10 Heuristic Evaluation with real life examples

Abhi Chatterjee
Design Led
Published in
18 min readMay 10, 2023


Heuristic Evaluation

Heuristic evaluation is a method used to assess the usability of user interfaces by applying a set of recognized usability principles or heuristics. These heuristics are guidelines or rules of thumb that help identify potential usability issues in a system. Conducting a heuristic evaluation involves evaluating an interface based on these principles to uncover design flaws and improve overall user experience.

Here are 10 commonly used heuristics in heuristic evaluation along with real-life examples:

1. Visibility of system status

Visibility of system status

The heuristic of “Visibility of system status” emphasizes the importance of keeping users informed about the current state and progress of the system or application. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Online Shopping Checkout Process

When a user is going through the checkout process in an online shopping application, it is crucial to provide visibility of the system status at each step. Here’s how this heuristic can be applied:

  1. Clear progress indicators: During the checkout process, a progress bar or indicator can be displayed at the top of the page, indicating the user’s current step (e.g., “Shipping Address,” “Payment Method,” “Order Review”). This helps users understand where they are in the process and how many steps are remaining.
  2. Real-time feedback: When users enter their shipping address or payment details, the system should provide immediate feedback to indicate if the information is valid or if there are any errors. This feedback can be in the form of success messages, error messages, or visual cues like checkmarks or red exclamation marks.
  3. Loading indicators: If there is a delay in processing user actions, such as when submitting an order, a loading indicator can be displayed to inform users that the system is working on their request. This prevents users from getting confused or assuming that their action did not go through.
  4. Order confirmation: Once the order is successfully placed, the system should provide a clear confirmation message, along with an order summary and a unique order number. This reassures users that their purchase was successful and provides them with relevant information for future reference.
  5. Email notifications: After the checkout process, the system can send an email notification to the user, confirming the order details and providing a link to track the shipment. This additional visibility ensures users stay informed even after they have left the website or application.

By following the principle of visibility of system status in the online shopping checkout process, users are kept informed about their progress, any errors they may encounter, and the final outcome of their actions. This enhances the overall user experience and reduces confusion or frustration during the process.

2. Match between system and the real world

Match between system and the real world

The heuristic of “Match between system and the real world” emphasizes designing user interfaces that use language, concepts, and conventions familiar to the users. This helps users understand and navigate the system more easily. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: File Management System

In a file management system, such as an operating system’s file explorer or a cloud storage service, it is important to create a match between the system and the real world to enhance usability. Here’s how this heuristic can be applied:

  1. File and folder representation: The system should use familiar representations for files and folders, such as using icons that resemble real-life file folders or documents. This visual similarity helps users quickly associate the on-screen elements with their real-world counterparts.
  2. Naming conventions: The system should use language and naming conventions that are consistent with the users’ mental models. For example, using terms like “Folder,” “Directory,” or “Documents” instead of technical terms like “Directory Tree” or “File Hierarchy” helps users better understand the purpose and function of different elements in the system.
  3. Drag-and-drop functionality: If the system supports drag-and-drop operations to organize files and folders, it should mimic physical actions. Users should be able to click and drag files or folders from one location to another, simulating the way they would physically move objects in the real world.
  4. Contextual actions: The system should provide contextual actions that are intuitive and aligned with real-world actions. For example, right-clicking on a file or folder should display a menu with options that match the user’s expectations, such as “Rename,” “Delete,” or “Copy.”
  5. Skeuomorphic design: Skeuomorphic design involves using visual cues and elements that imitate real-world objects. For example, a file management system can use skeuomorphic design by incorporating visual elements like textured backgrounds, drop shadows, or paper-like textures to mimic the appearance of physical folders and documents.
  6. Natural language commands: If the system supports natural language commands or voice input, it should understand and respond to user instructions in a way that resembles human conversation. For example, a voice-activated virtual assistant in a file management system should respond appropriately to commands like “Open my Documents folder” or “Create a new folder called ‘Photos.’”

By ensuring a match between the system and the real world in a file management system, users can easily understand and interact with the interface based on their existing knowledge and mental models. This reduces the learning curve and enhances user satisfaction and efficiency.

3. User control and freedom

User control and freedom

The heuristic of “User control and freedom” emphasizes providing users with the ability to navigate and interact with the system freely, without feeling trapped or constrained. It involves giving users control over their actions and providing mechanisms to undo or recover from errors. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Text Editing Software

In a text editing software application, user control and freedom can be implemented in various ways to enhance the user experience. Here are a few examples:

  1. Undo and redo functionality: The software should provide the ability to undo and redo actions, allowing users to revert changes and recover previous states. For instance, if a user accidentally deletes a block of text, they should be able to undo the deletion and restore the text.
  2. Save and revert options: The software should offer a save function to allow users to save their work at any point. Additionally, providing a revert option that allows users to return to the last saved version of the document provides an additional layer of control and freedom.
  3. Customizable keyboard shortcuts: Users should have the flexibility to customize keyboard shortcuts according to their preferences. This enables users to define shortcuts that align with their existing habits and enhances their sense of control over the editing process.
  4. Cancel and exit options: When performing actions that may have significant consequences, such as closing a document without saving changes, the software should provide users with a confirmation dialog or prompt to avoid accidental data loss. This allows users to make an informed decision and provides an opportunity to cancel or exit without unintended consequences.
  5. Clear and intuitive navigation: The software should have a clear and intuitive interface that allows users to navigate easily between different functions, features, and documents. Using standard navigation elements like menus, toolbars, and breadcrumbs helps users understand the structure of the application and provides them with control over their interactions.
  6. Flexible text selection and editing: The software should provide users with various options for selecting and editing text, such as using keyboard shortcuts, mouse clicks, or gestures. This flexibility allows users to choose their preferred method and provides them with a sense of control over the editing process.

By incorporating user control and freedom principles into the design of a text editing software application, users feel empowered, confident, and less likely to make errors or feel constrained by the system. This ultimately improves the overall user experience and productivity.

4. Consistency and standards

Consistency and standards

The heuristic of “Consistency and standards” emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistency in design and adhering to established conventions and standards. Consistency helps users develop familiarity with the system, reduces cognitive load, and enhances usability. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Website Navigation Menu

Consistency and standards can be applied to the navigation menu of a website to provide users with a consistent and predictable browsing experience. Here are some elements to consider:

  1. Placement and layout: The navigation menu should be consistently positioned on the website, typically at the top or left side. Users have come to expect these locations for easy access. Placing it in a consistent location across all pages ensures users can quickly locate the menu and navigate the website effectively.
  2. Visual design: The visual design of the navigation menu should follow consistent styling cues, such as color, font, and spacing. This helps users recognize the menu and associate it with navigation functionality, regardless of the page they are on.
  3. Labeling and terminology: The menu items should use clear and concise labels that are easily understandable to the users. Consistent terminology should be used across the menu to avoid confusion. For example, if one menu item is labeled “Products,” it should not be labeled as “Services” on another page.
  4. Ordering of menu items: The order of menu items should remain consistent throughout the website. Users develop mental models based on the order and expect to find specific content in a predictable location. Changing the order of items across pages can confuse users and hinder their ability to navigate effectively.
  5. Navigation hierarchy: Consistency should be maintained in the navigation hierarchy. Submenus or dropdown menus should follow a consistent structure across different sections or pages of the website. Users should be able to rely on their previous navigation experience to find information quickly.
  6. Interactive behavior: Interactive behaviors, such as hover effects or click animations, should be consistent across menu items. When users interact with menu items, they should receive consistent feedback, such as highlighting or changing color, to indicate the selected item.

By maintaining consistency and adhering to standards in the website navigation menu, users can quickly learn and understand the navigation system. Consistency helps users navigate effortlessly, reduces cognitive load, and enhances the overall usability of the website.

5. Error prevention

Error prevention

The heuristic of “Error prevention” emphasizes designing interfaces that prevent errors from occurring in the first place or minimize the likelihood of errors through clear instructions, constraints, and warnings. Error prevention helps users avoid mistakes, reduces frustration, and improves overall user experience. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Password Creation Form

In a password creation form, error prevention techniques can be applied to help users create strong and secure passwords while minimizing errors. Here’s how this heuristic can be applied:

  1. Clear instructions: The form should provide clear instructions on password requirements, such as minimum length, the inclusion of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. The instructions should be displayed prominently, near the password input field, to ensure users are aware of the requirements.
  2. Real-time validation: As users enter their password, real-time validation can be used to provide immediate feedback on the password strength. For example, the system can display a visual indicator (e.g., a strength meter) that dynamically updates based on the complexity of the password. This helps users understand if their chosen password meets the requirements.
  3. Error messaging: If users fail to meet the password requirements, the form should display clear and specific error messages. For example, if a password is too short, the error message can state, “Password must be at least 8 characters long.” The messages should highlight the specific issues and provide guidance on how to correct them.
  4. Confirmation field: Including a confirmation field where users are required to re-enter their password can help prevent errors due to mistyping. The confirmation field should be clearly labeled and should match the entered password to ensure consistency.
  5. Show/hide password option: Providing a show/hide password toggle allows users to view their entered password. This feature can prevent errors caused by users mistyping or misremembering their password.
  6. Avoiding confusing constraints: The system should avoid overly restrictive constraints that may confuse users or make it difficult to create a password. For example, prohibiting the use of common words or phrases may lead users to create passwords that are difficult to remember or frequently forgotten.

By implementing error prevention techniques in the password creation form, users are guided through the process, reducing the likelihood of errors and enhancing the overall user experience. Clear instructions, real-time validation, appropriate error messaging, and thoughtful design decisions help users create strong passwords without frustration.

6. Recognition rather than recall

Recognition rather than recall

The heuristic of “Recognition rather than recall” emphasizes designing interfaces that make information and options visible and easily recognizable, rather than relying on users’ memory to recall information. This heuristic reduces the cognitive load on users and improves usability. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Calendar Application

In a calendar application, recognition rather than recall can be applied to help users easily identify and access their scheduled events without relying on their memory. Here’s how this heuristic can be applied:

  1. Event visualization: The calendar application should visually represent events on the calendar interface, using color-coded blocks or visual indicators to represent different types of events (e.g., meetings, appointments, birthdays). This allows users to quickly recognize and differentiate between various events without having to recall the event details solely from memory.
  2. Event details: When users click on an event, the application should display the event details, including the event title, time, location, and any additional notes or attendees. By providing this information directly on the event interface, users can easily recognize the details associated with the event without having to remember them from previous interactions.
  3. Reminders and notifications: The calendar application should provide reminders and notifications for upcoming events. These reminders can be in the form of pop-up notifications, email notifications, or push notifications on mobile devices. By proactively reminding users about their scheduled events, the application reduces the need for users to recall their upcoming commitments.
  4. Search and filtering: The calendar application should offer search and filtering functionalities that allow users to find specific events based on keywords, dates, or categories. This eliminates the need for users to recall specific event details and enables them to locate desired events through recognition.
  5. Agenda or list view: In addition to the traditional calendar view, the application should offer an agenda or list view that displays events in a chronological order with relevant details. This provides users with an alternative representation of their events, allowing them to recognize events based on their order and details rather than relying solely on their memory of specific dates.

By incorporating recognition rather than recall principles in a calendar application, users can easily identify and access their scheduled events without the burden of relying heavily on memory. Visual representations, event details, reminders, search capabilities, and alternative views all contribute to a more user-friendly and efficient experience.

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

Flexibility and efficiency of use

The heuristic of “Flexibility and efficiency of use” emphasizes designing interfaces that cater to the needs of both novice and expert users, allowing for efficient and flexible interactions based on user preferences and expertise. This heuristic aims to optimize user productivity and satisfaction. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Text Editing Software

In a text editing software application, flexibility and efficiency of use can be implemented to accommodate users with varying levels of expertise and provide efficient workflows. Here are a few examples:

  1. Customizable shortcuts: The software should allow users to customize keyboard shortcuts for frequently used actions. Expert users who are familiar with specific shortcut combinations can optimize their workflow by assigning shortcuts that match their preferences, while novice users can rely on default shortcuts.
  2. Toolbar customization: The application can provide options for users to customize the toolbar, enabling them to add or remove buttons for commonly used functions. This allows users to personalize the interface based on their specific needs, providing quick access to frequently used features and enhancing efficiency.
  3. Contextual menus: Contextual menus can be implemented to provide quick access to relevant actions based on the selected text or the cursor’s location. This feature enables users to perform specific operations without navigating through multiple menus or dialogs, saving time and effort.
  4. Advanced features hidden by default: To avoid overwhelming novice users, advanced or complex features can be hidden by default. These features can be made accessible through an “Advanced” or “Expert” mode, allowing experienced users to access additional functionality while not confusing or overwhelming users who may not require those features.
  5. Keyboard-based navigation: In addition to mouse-based interactions, the software should support efficient keyboard-based navigation. Keyboard shortcuts for common actions like selecting text, copying, pasting, and formatting can significantly speed up editing tasks, benefiting both novice and expert users.
  6. Templates and automation: The software can provide pre-designed templates or automation features to help users accomplish common tasks more efficiently. For example, a template for creating resumes or a feature that automatically corrects common spelling errors can save time and effort for users.

By incorporating flexibility and efficiency of use principles into the design of a text editing software application, users can adapt the interface to their needs and work more efficiently. Customizable shortcuts, toolbar customization, contextual menus, accessibility of advanced features, keyboard-based navigation, and automation all contribute to a user-friendly and productive editing experience.

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

Aesthetic and minimalist design

The heuristic of “Aesthetic and minimalist design” emphasizes creating interfaces that are visually appealing, uncluttered, and focused on essential elements. Aesthetic design enhances the user’s emotional connection to the product, while minimalist design reduces distractions and cognitive overload. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Mobile Weather App

In a mobile weather app, aesthetic and minimalist design principles can be applied to create an engaging and user-friendly experience. Here’s how this heuristic can be applied:

  1. Clean and simple interface: The app should have a clean and uncluttered interface, avoiding unnecessary elements and visual distractions. A minimalist design approach focuses on the essential weather information, providing a clear and unambiguous presentation.
  2. Consistent visual language: The app should follow a consistent visual language in terms of color scheme, typography, and iconography. Consistency creates a harmonious and cohesive design, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and making it easier for users to understand and interpret information.
  3. Thoughtful use of whitespace: Whitespace, or negative space, plays a crucial role in minimalist design. It allows elements to breathe and creates a sense of balance and clarity. Proper use of whitespace around weather information and interface elements helps prioritize information and avoids visual clutter.
  4. Intuitive and minimalistic icons: The use of minimalistic icons for weather conditions (e.g., sun for sunny weather, cloud for cloudy weather) can convey information quickly and effectively. Simplified icons contribute to the overall aesthetic and minimalist design, reducing visual complexity and cognitive load.
  5. Limited color palette: A carefully selected and limited color palette enhances the aesthetic appeal and helps create a visually pleasing experience. Using a small number of complementary colors for weather conditions and interface elements maintains a clean and consistent design.
  6. Subtle animations and transitions: Thoughtfully applied animations and transitions can add a touch of elegance and enhance the user experience. Gentle fades, smooth transitions, and subtle animations for weather updates or interactions contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal without overwhelming the user.

By applying aesthetic and minimalist design principles to a mobile weather app, users can enjoy a visually pleasing and user-friendly experience. A clean interface, consistent visual language, effective use of whitespace, minimalistic icons, limited color palette, and subtle animations all contribute to an aesthetically pleasing and engaging app design.

9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

The heuristic of “Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors” focuses on designing interfaces that assist users in identifying errors, understanding their causes, and providing clear guidance for error recovery. This heuristic aims to minimize user frustration and support a smooth user experience. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: E-commerce Checkout Process

In an e-commerce website’s checkout process, it is crucial to help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors that may occur during the transaction. Here’s how this heuristic can be applied:

  1. Clear error messages: When users encounter an error, such as an invalid credit card number or missing required fields, the system should display clear and concise error messages that explain the issue. The messages should use plain language and provide specific instructions on how to resolve the error. For example, instead of a generic error message like “Error occurred,” a specific message like “Please enter a valid credit card number” is more helpful.
  2. Inline validation: Implementing inline validation as users enter data in the checkout form can proactively identify errors and provide immediate feedback. For instance, if a user enters an incorrect email format, the system can display an error icon and a tooltip indicating the error.
  3. Highlighting erroneous fields: When an error occurs, the system should highlight the specific fields or sections that require correction. By visually drawing attention to the problematic areas, users can quickly identify where the error occurred and focus their attention on resolving it.
  4. Suggestive error recovery options: For common errors, the system can offer suggestions or auto-correction options to assist users in error recovery. For example, if a user mistypes their address, the system can provide a dropdown list of suggested addresses that closely match the input, reducing the effort required for correction.
  5. Provide help resources: In addition to error messages, the system should offer access to help resources, such as FAQ sections, knowledge bases, or live chat support. These resources can provide users with additional guidance on how to resolve specific errors or reach out for assistance when needed.
  6. Preserve entered data: If an error occurs during the checkout process, the system should preserve the data that the user has already entered. This avoids the frustration of users having to re-enter all the information after encountering an error and enables a smoother recovery process.

By incorporating features that help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors, the e-commerce checkout process becomes more user-friendly and less frustrating. Clear error messages, inline validation, highlighting erroneous fields, suggestive error recovery options, access to help resources, and preserving entered data contribute to a positive user experience, leading to higher completion rates and customer satisfaction.

10. Help and documentation

Help and documentation

The heuristic of “Help and documentation” emphasizes providing users with readily accessible and comprehensive help resources to assist them in understanding the system and resolving any issues or questions they may have. Here’s a real-life example to illustrate this heuristic:

Example: Software Application Help System

In a software application, a robust help and documentation system can greatly enhance the user experience and empower users to effectively utilize the system’s features. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  1. Contextual help: Implement contextual help within the application, allowing users to access relevant documentation or assistance specific to the task or feature they are currently using. This can be achieved through tooltips, info icons, or context-sensitive help menus that provide concise and targeted information without disrupting the user’s workflow.
  2. Comprehensive user documentation: Provide comprehensive user documentation that covers all aspects of the software’s functionality. The documentation should be well-organized, easily searchable, and available in various formats (e.g., online help, PDF, video tutorials). It should include step-by-step instructions, explanations of features and concepts, and troubleshooting guidance.
  3. Interactive tutorials and walkthroughs: Include interactive tutorials or walkthroughs that guide users through key features or common tasks. These interactive elements can help users quickly grasp the system’s functionality and provide hands-on learning experiences.
  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Compile a list of frequently asked questions and provide clear and concise answers. The FAQs can address common issues, clarify confusing points, and offer quick solutions to users’ queries.
  5. Online communities and forums: Foster an online community or forum where users can engage with each other, ask questions, and share their experiences. This platform allows users to seek help from both the software’s support team and other experienced users, creating a collaborative support ecosystem.
  6. Search functionality: Implement a robust search functionality within the help and documentation system, enabling users to quickly find relevant information. The search should support keyword-based searches, advanced filters, and provide accurate and relevant search results.
  7. Clear and accessible navigation: Ensure that the help and documentation system has a clear and intuitive navigation structure, making it easy for users to browse and locate the information they need. Use logical categories, subheadings, and a hierarchical structure to organize the content effectively.

By providing a comprehensive help and documentation system, users can access the information they need to understand the software and resolve any questions or issues they encounter. Contextual help, user documentation, interactive tutorials, FAQs, online communities, search functionality, and clear navigation all contribute to a user-friendly and supportive experience.

If I’ve missed any useful tips, I’d appreciate your comments to discuss and add them to the list.

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Abhi Chatterjee
Design Led

UX Designer at Dubai Municipality specialised in User research & Interaction Design