Design is a Kaleidoscope

Ilakkiya Kadiresan
Design Led
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2020

To begin with the most basic question ever asked: What is Design? This question has given me multiple perspective along these years. And with no exception, the one thing that was common in them were “Everything around us is Design”. I would put my version as

Design is a Kaleidoscope: Filled with tiny distinct components, colorful and intricate unexpected patterns”. Every time we look at the kaleidoscope in different angles, it delivers a new level of enthusiasm and never fails to amaze us. Design is exactly much of muchness to it.

Design too comes with various forms and shapes: be it fashion, product, automobile, textile, interior, animation etc. Starting with aesthetics, functionality, problem solving to empathizing, design has its presence across physical to technological innovations. “Change being inevitable”, design is the force that constantly upgrades to simplify our lifestyle. To break down, design eases communication around people and the environment.

Over the span of years, design has seen humongous awareness among the people and lights up the future. It remains a language that unifies diversities and provides the power of creation. Pursuing design drives passion towards creativity, explorations, keen observation and hope for crafting novel experiences. As a designer, everyday there is an opportunity to learn new skill and upgrade yourself. A designer always remains unbiased and flexible to adapt and innovate solutions.

One key rule when it comes to design for me is “Never stop learning and re-learning”. With every great design begins a great story!

P.S: How can my first blog not be about something that I absolutely love!



Ilakkiya Kadiresan
Design Led

I bet bottom dollar on “Simplicity is the ultimate form of Sophistication”. The blend of design, detail and storytelling is where I find my passion and skills.