Designing Re-Commerce.

Kumar Tushar
Design Led
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2017

Solving buying and selling of used electronics via online auctions in a market full of trust issues.

A Holistic Re-Commerce Platform.

Classifieds barely solve anything either for a buyer or a seller. With no price discovery, no condition assessment and verification, chatting and negotiation as a buying method, and no quality assurances, one would always have to do a lot of work and feel lucky to get a good deal.

At ListUp, we aimed to solve this via these simple value propositions -

For a buyer - ensure best prices, eliminate chatting, negotiations and delivery hassles, ensure quality and correct condition assessment, provide deeper saving mechanisms

For a seller - provide intelligent pricing based on the products condition, eliminate chatting, provide avenues to maximise selling price

Methodologies and Design Solutions

Simple animated onboarding explaining a concept and desired results

Trust & Savings - The primary drivers of a consumer buying a used gadget are price and condition of the used item. At ListUp, we ensure that every product is fully functional, defect free, original and verified. Moreover, we guarantee savings of 50–70% as compared to new.

New ways to save more - Two buying mechanisms were portrayed in a savings context. Buy Now — Bundled with 1year warranty and Accessories, or a gamified form of Auctions — Choose Your Price — wherein users can bid in a 3 day auction period and save more (extra savings as a reward to extra engagement)

Choose Your Price Explained

Transparent and stringent condition assessment — To make condition assessment more upfront and use it as a decision point, ListUp score was introduced that rated products from 1–5 based on their condition

Selling mechanisms- After filling a condition assesment form and scheduling inspection (a one minute process), a seller could choose between selling instantly (get cash transferred to account on successful inspection) or sell via auctions which guarantee 20% more than the price qoute offered (at the risk of having to wait for 3 days and see if buyers do bid on their product)

Selling Mechanisms
Sell questionairre. Best price is conveyed and each answer depicts the effect on best price as it comes down.

P.S. Being my first post on medium, there are some gaps in the story as well as in the structure. The designs are across web and app (android).

I currently head product and design at ListUp. More to follow on design and learnings (:

