I want to write, but I just don’t know where to start

Francis Xavier
Design Led
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2020

The first is the most difficult, but we have some simple steps to get you started.

Writing is something we all have been doing as designers and its in some ways a part and parcel of what we do. Its one of the most critical skills that gets a designer from the desk and into the decision table. His ability to express and tell a story. But writing can be a very difficult thing and more often than not, its a matter of just letting yourself go and doing your first write-up. Once you do your first writeup, its actually becomes much easier to start from there.


1.Select a topic. Write down 10 topics that you think you should be writing on. Its actually easier to write down 10 ideas that you can possibly work on than just one. Then, select the one you would love to work on and select the one you should be working on. The latter is seldom the one you would be working on. The idea is to get you started and not create the best work that no one sees.

2. Writing the frame. Writing is nothing more than arguing with your friend about your favorite movie and why its the better than theirs. It has an opening, 3 bold pointers, and a finishing.
Opening is generally something that gets the users hooked about story / argument that you are about to say. 3 Bold pointers are more of less three big arguments that really help build very unique ways of looking at the subject/topic. While the finisher, is something that help you close with either a big question, or a drastic comparison or a thoughtful gaze about how life would be with this idea at play.

Key things to keep in mind when you are writing these.

  • Make these ideas very simple to digest
  • Make sure you are writing these down instead of thinking about them. Pro-Tip: Its not about a fair sheet with one great sentence. Just write as it forms, cut it out if it doesn't work out. But do it on the sheet.
  • Each of the 5 have to be 2 liners that broadly explains what you are planning.
  • Don’t judge too soon.

3.Making the broad argument. Now you have a argument, but you need it to sound like a large article. Its easy from here on. Usually each sentence should become into a paragraph.

  • Expand your articles by explaining it more
  • Adding examples and citations from other places
  • Questions are also a great way to pose a question, when you are not able to writely frame a argument. Like “… how do you think that would have gone…” works better than actually stating the story.

4. Get feedback. Getting feedback from your trusted circle is a great idea. Pro Tip: Your friends and colleagues understand where you come from and usually they are the best to give you advise.

Already showed them? Move to the slight more expert connection, and request them for a review. Showing your senior or colleague might give you harsher reviews but its better than getting it out there too early.

5. Smoothen things out. At this point, you would have a decently done up story and I think its better to read it a couple of times and see if you can smoothen some lines or make it sharper.

And there you go, you should have something ready. This is your first article, it may not be perfect but its still a step forward.



Francis Xavier
Design Led

Curator: ChasingPatterns , Founder: Vizen, Strategy & Marketing ,GSJ Bangalore 12,13,14 & 19, vizendesign.com chasingpatterns.com