OkCupid Redesign || Case Study

Arundhati verma
Design Led
Published in
8 min readSep 6, 2020

This is a conceptual redesigning of OkCupid, an online dating application to make it simple, modern and more visually appealing.


OkCupid is an U.S.-based, internationally operating online dating application and website. It has several options other than dating like friendship, long term dating, casual dating and others. It is the first dating app to introduce 22 genders and 12 orientation options.

It was founded by these students from Harvard University, Chris Coyne, Christian Rudder, Sam Yagan and Max Krohn.

Stakeholders and their needs

  • Users — The customers need a variety of features in a dating app so they could engage with the other person more and also could make it easy to talk to unknown people for the first time. They also want to feel safe and secure as fake accounts are very common to be on such apps, this also helps in trusting the app which leads to more users downloading it. Customer care and security is a must. There should be strict actions taken against the person who violates the guidelines of the community. They need a user friendly website/app with easy navigation and not anything complicated. Applications must also remain functional despite the rapid update environment of modern technology. Must be fluid and dynamic, meeting users on their level, where they are. The payment for attaining features should be reasonable and affordable which could benefit the company too.
  • Company — The company’s need is mainly money and that is why they need to make sensible features which can be bought by many users. It also needs many users’ engagement and to attract them. They need to do good advertising, promotions and campaigns. They need to make a safe environment for themselves and the users for more efficiency.


Here’s the mission statement that OkCupid lives by:

“OkCupid exists to serve the most fundamental and transformative human need — to find love and happiness through meaningful relationships with deep human connections.”

They want all their users to be satisfied with the partners they have matched with and get what they are looking for.

Competitor Analysis

  • OkCupid and its rivals, Tinder, Match.com are owned by the same parent company, The Match Group.
  • As Tinder becomes increasingly popular, these three sites risk being cannibalized and overshadowed by one another. Users might quit one site for the other.
  • Tinder emphasizes it’s hyperlocal platform and it’s hook up image, and match.com tackles an older marriage minded audience. OkCupid occupies a happy middle person between the two While Bumble focuses on not only dating but also making friends (as they have a whole other page for making friends called ‘BFF’) and broadening your network. Different users use different apps for their own preferences.

Customer Analysis

A primary research with a sample size of 43 people from India was done to understand the need and the improvements needed for a dating app. A survey was taken to collect the data and below are the findings:

  • Age- 95% of the people lie in the bracket of 18 years to 24 years of age. Rest of the 5% lies in the bracket of 25 years to 34 years of age.
  • Ever used any dating application — 72% of the people voted ‘Yes’ and 27% voted ‘No’.
  • Reason for choosing a dating app — Majority opted Convenience and Efficiency, Easier to meet many people like this.
  • Premium Features- 23% answered between the range of Rs. 50–150 per month. 1% answered within the range of 200–250. Rest 76% answered that they would not like to pay anything.
  • Since security should be the priority of a dating app (because catfishing and fake accounts are the biggest problem) We asked people if they would like these new features added:


Out of this study we can conclude that the users are willing to pay the minimum or nothing at all. The aim of being on such a website is to have fun by meeting new people at their convenience. The consumer is looking for an easy and a simple to use platform with a strict sense of security.

S.W.O.T Analysis

Strengths :

  • The essential and important features which would leave its consumers satisfied are free.
  • OKC has a good understanding of using data and their users’ needs as compared to other dating applications. For example it uses math to find matches (which have potential to be compatible with each other) and asks questions to find probable mate.
  • It is a platform for 22 genders and the users have freedom of selecting any 12 orientations.
  • Users can login in from the website as well as mobile application.
  • Navigation is easy and can be followed up quickly
  • Search features allows you to discover matches based on unique variables such as interests, geographic location and others.
  • Ads focusing on politics, BDSM and make-or-break dating factors.

Weaknesses :

  • There is lack of security — can allow hackers to read user messages.
  • No proper verification can be found on this app, it is not neither compulsory.
  • A lot of fake accounts can be made due to no cost registration.
  • Doesn’t cater well to the Indian audience as well as it does abroad, it is very popular there.

Opportunities :

  • It could have a better security system and make it a safer space for users.
  • The company could expand their target market.
  • Could help their users to start conversations and interact with each other more.
  • It should also have a vision.

Threats :

  • Strong competition from existing and emerging dating apps.
  • Violation of privacy.
  • Might not always find what you’re looking for.

Understanding the Interface

Problems faced :

  • The interface is not very interactive and is quite dull. It does not really give the feeling of a dating app to its users.
  • The colors don’t compliment each other- cobalt and neon pink. The pink is too bright and the blue is dull and have not been used properly in the interface as well as in the logo.
  • The interface looks chaotic because of some unnecessary features like “recommendation, online, new people, popular, question pros’’ at the top of the home page.
  • The category of matches can be on the same page as conversations.
  • The feature of ‘Boost’ on the top right corner of the likes page is not needed there, it can be in the settings. (Also, there is a huge gap between ‘Likes’ on top left corner and ‘Boost’.
  • Instead of having so many questions in the profile page, there could be an option of “add question” or “choose question” without cluttering the page.
  • The interface is too boxy, sharp and clustered.
  • Unnecessary illustrations.
  • Inconsistency in the shapes used.
  • The feature of boost only increases the number of likes and the price is not reasonable.
  • Spotify when connected to dating apps gives the wrong songs recommendation sometimes.

Navigation Flow

After studying the interface, we pictured the application with features that could make it better and bring out the visual language of the brand better.

New features :

  • Face verification and ID proof (driver’s license/ pan card/ aadhar card) would be mandatory so there would be no chance of any fake accounts or any sort of catfish. It serves the purpose of security.
  • The application would not let the users take any screenshots of any profiles so there would not be any identity theft or pictures.
  • People would be able to see other user’s mutuals so they could feel comfortable resulting in more matches.
  • An option of group chat would be available so the users can plan and go on double dates if they like or just have fun and get to know people through it.
  • “Set up a date” (Wine icon in the chat box) has been introduced to plan a date properly. There would be places shown around the user’s locality or anywhere they like and could choose the place, activity and set up a date on the calendar. The location would be directly connected to google maps.
  • The users could also search for a particular person.
  • Option of filter is there which would go by age, location and preference
  • Songs on spotify can be chosen by the users from their playlists.
  • Ice breakers such as question prompts and games would also be there so there could be more engagement and the users would have some topics to talk about. It would make the users feel comfort and would help them clear the awkwardness in the air.

Information Hierarchy


Home page

Profile page

Likes and Intros

Conversation page

Premium services

Style guide

We tried to make the interface more engaging, captivating and user friendly. There are no sharp edges and there are consistent light colors which would look more appealing to the users. We changed the color to the shade of blue and pink as it brings out more maturity and reflects friendship and love, which has made the interface better. There is a regularity in smoothness in the icons and typeface which also cause stability. The new feature enables engagement, comfort and security which are the main elements of a dating application and which would make the users trust the applications. It is good for the users as well as the company.

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