I’ve Got an Idea

And I Need Your Help

Dan Edwards
2 min readNov 22, 2013

On Wednesday, I wrote this post ‘Educate don’t humiliate’ which received a great response and people sent me some really lovely comments. So, thank you to everyone who read and shared it, you’re amazing.

This sparked an idea.

We all have questions that we need help with, that might be; “How do I get new clients?” “I need advice on my college project” or “Where can I find a freelance developer?” Generally, I use Twitter to get quick answers from people that follow me but there is rarely any discussion around it and I’m normally left with a short 140 character response.

How about this?

Once a month a group of web designers / developers / creatives / whatever (maybe 3-4 different guests each month) get together to answer questions from people sent in throughout the month. The group will be a diverse, including people with various levels of experience and backgrounds.

Questions could be sent in via the website or via Twitter using a #hashtag

This won’t be a typical podcast, and it will only work if people send in questions. It’s a chance for us to do something for the benefit of others.

The session will be recorded for people to listen to and transcribed for quick reference later.

Kind of a ‘Web Clinic’*

So, at this stage I need a few things:

  1. Thoughts on the idea?
  2. The website will need to be built, so a developer will be required.**
  3. Advice with technology, e.g recording, editing & sound equipment.
  4. Transcribing volunteers. Ideally each show would be transcribed to provide a quick resource for readers. Credited after each show, of course.
  5. Sponsorship (not essential, but if you want to get involved — why not)

If you can help with any of the above, or have any thoughts on how we can make this a reality please get in touch via email: dan@danedwards.me or via Twitter @de

* thoughts on a name, appreciated.

** I don’t have any budget for this, I’ll be organising it, doing any design work and providing the recordings all for free. I’m hoping someone will want to get involved in making this a reality, regardless.

