A data manifesto for Good Things

Tom French
Designing Good Things
2 min readAug 23, 2018

At Good Things Foundation we collect, analyse and use a lot of different data. Some are our own sets arising from the surveys we administer or through organisations signing up to our Network(s). Other data sets come from elsewhere, such as the Office of National Statistics or other open data sources. We also combine data to tell the story of what we do.

These data are used by of our staff in lots of ways. Often, the data in our external communications are repurposed by different organisations too.

So, how can we ensure a consistent approach to the way(s) in which this happens? And how can we communicate our principles for using data in a way that makes sense to everyone irrespective of their data expertise?

As a starting point for answering these questions, we’ve come up with seven fledgling, aspirational principles. These have been mapped against the wider team principles that we’ve adopted within the Design and Research Team at Good Things Foundation.

This is our Data Manifesto
(or, a list of ideas).

One: Be open

We share what we collect, inside and out. And we support others to do the same.

Two: Be impact-focused

We prioritise data collection and analysis that demonstrate our core outcome set and help us to learn

Three: Be ethical

We all understand data protection and we only collect what we need to

Four: Be visual

We understand that everyone engages with data differently and we strive to cater for this

Five: Be receptive

We are happy to have our assumptions challenged and to change course

Six: Be informed

We understand where our data come from (and whether they’re up to date) when we communicate them

Seven: Be joined up

We recognise that others may have the data already, inside Good Things and out

They will develop. And we know there are other standards to consider too.



Tom French
Designing Good Things

Data, insight and questioning strategies for social purpose through open working | Founded Sheffield Data for Good + Data for Action | Musician