DesignMe has updated to version 1.4 with new design calendar and improved sidebar.

Jongin Lee
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2022

Calendar with a new design

The design of calendar has been renewed. Enjoy new calendar that makes plans look good and is easy to look at them.

Check to-dos today, goals and ideas at once — Open the sidebar

Before introducing details of update, why don’t we look at what plans you can leave in DesignMe? You can add almost all kind of plans from to-dos for today, plans to be made in this week or during this month to even your bucket lists.

My goals

  • Successfully complete the company project by next month
  • Start running from this week to have a habit of running
  • Study programming for three months

Schedule or to-dos

  • Dinner with friend on a Saturday evening
  • Meeting at 2pm this afternoon


  • Set out on a trip for a week next month
  • Eat homemade burger at delicious homemade burger store within this month
  • Complete certain task in this week

From this update, you can check plans for the month from calendar at once as well as plans and to-dos for today and tomorrow while checking your goals by opening side view. And the list of ideas appears below when you click ? icon. If you have any plans for this week or this month, you can add them here even though it is not specifically decided when to do. And if you are going to work on the plan, you can easily set the period of the plan specifically by dragging it to the calendar.

Easily manage your ideas

Do you usually decide exact month, day or time from the first when you make a plan? Most people just make plan of doing something within this week, this month or this year. That’s not to say you should be hesitating to make a plan in DesignMe. You can leave a plan which you don’t decided specific date or that is not for sure to do this week or not. When you feel like you want to carry out a plan or when the plan is specified, drag and drop such idea to calendar or Agenda View.

Leave and manage notes.

You can use note tap if you have notes or memos you always want to check regardless of the schedule. You can add multiple categories to check notes with various plans.

A plan with no starting or ending period

In the previous version, you were able to make a plan with no starting or ending period, but it wasn’t displayed well in Agenda View or calendar. In this update, such plans were improved to be displayed wee even in Agenda View or calendar. If you have a plan for exercise that has started from this week, but you don’t know when to complete or if you begin to romantic relationship from today, delete the ending period from the period and leave it as a plan.

Start planning on DesignMe today.

Design your life and make it reality with DesignMe



Jongin Lee

Creator of DesignMe, Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP