How do creative marketing campaigns help travel companies stand out?

Chaintech Network
Design and Motion Media Network
5 min readMay 15, 2024

If you want to design a marketing campaign, the first step that you need to take is to determine the most important ideas that you want to communicate. These ideas may include an offer, an announcement, the introduction of a new season, or a sale.

When you have successfully completed the campaign, you will also be considering what you want people to remember it for and how you want it to affect their emotions. To phrase it another way, the central idea.

Travel and tourism businesses have been compelled to adopt a completely new roster of campaign topics as a direct result of the viral content that Instagram has been posting about travel.

At this point, you might be wondering, so how can we make the campaign really popular? Let’s understand it.

How do you make a campaign viral using attractive illustrations?

Creating a viral travel campaign with attractive illustrations involves a combination of strategic planning and engaging visuals.

Here are a few things to take care of while making your campaign stand out:

Create the message

Identify the core message of your travel campaign. Whether it’s promoting a destination, a special offer, or a unique experience, clarity in your message is key.

Create stunning Illustrations

Invest in high-quality, eye-catching illustrations that capture the essence of your travel campaign. Use vibrant colours, captivating scenes, and unique designs to grab attention.

Tell a story

Illustrations have the power to tell stories and evoke emotions. Use them to create a narrative that sparks curiosity and inspires wanderlust in your audience. You can also design brand characters and create memes out of them.

Incorporate branding

Seamlessly integrate your brand elements into the illustrations to reinforce brand identity and recognition. This includes logos, colours, and typography.

Repurpose content for social media

Design your illustrations with social media platforms in mind. Create visuals that are shareable, easily digestible, and optimized for various devices.

Why is graphic design important in campaign advertising?

Graphic design is paramount in travel campaign advertising for several compelling reasons.

First of all, eye-catching visual appeal draws in viewers right away, increasing their openness to the content being presented. Through constant branding components, it fosters consumer trust and loyalty and plays a critical role in developing and preserving brand identity.

Complex ideas are communicated clearly through graphic design, which condenses them into palatable images that make an impact on the viewer. Additionally, it arouses feelings in the audience, creating stronger bonds between the brand and its followers, which in turn affects customer attitudes and actions.

Additionally, graphic design helps businesses stand out from the competition in a congested market by producing distinctive and memorable promotional materials. It communicates professionalism, which benefits the brand and raises consumer perceptions of its legitimacy and dependability.

Furthermore, it makes tracking the effects of advertising campaigns easier and offers insightful data for assessing performance and refining tactics to get better outcomes. In general, graphic design is essential to the advertising of travel campaigns.

Case study: Thailand Tourism

The purpose of this case study is to create a tourism campaign for Thailand that highlights its lesser-known beauty locations and natural wonders. To inspire wanderlust and curiosity, the video shows Thailand’s peaceful and unspoiled landscapes. In the end, the goal is to urge viewers to explore Thailand’s hidden gems.


The advertisement showcases Thailand’s unspoiled nature, avoiding tourist spots. Hidden waterfalls, gorgeous beaches, lush woods, and lovely villages are revealed in less-traveled places. The ad invites viewers to see Thailand’s unspoiled landscapes through spectacular imagery and intriguing stories.


The Thailand tourism ad shows the country’s stunning scenery and hidden gems. Our amazing poster uses dark and light themes to inspire diverse moods and atmospheres. The poster shows Thailand’s diversified terrain from above and then intimate close-ups of hidden gems in isolated areas. The subtle text overlays spark viewers’ interest and encourage further exploration. This gorgeous advertisement encourages viewers to explore Thailand.


We can expect high social media engagement and shares to result from the advertisement’s positive reception. Viewers marvel at Thailand’s untapped beauty in the ad. Many people may want to visit these hidden treasures after seeing the ad, increasing interest in Thailand’s lesser-known sites.

The advertisement succeeds in sparking curiosity and travel by showing Thailand’s hidden jewels. The commercial encourages engagement and inspires travelers to experience Thailand’s unexplored natural beauty.

For more information, check out the ad’s creatives: Thailand Tourism: Creative Ad :: Behance


Finally, creative marketing initiatives help tourism companies stand out in a crowded industry. These ads may attract potential clients and create a lasting impression with eye-catching designs, fascinating images, and engaging narration.

Creative marketing initiatives also boost brand visibility, customer engagement, bookings, and revenues for travel companies. These commercials can evoke wanderlust, emotional connections, and purchase decisions by appealing to travellers’ emotions and goals.

At Chaintech, our design and motion graphics teams are experts in creating such content. We believe that travel companies need imaginative marketing efforts to stand out, acquire new consumers, and build loyalty. In the competitive travel market, if you want help in making your travel company creative and innovative, contact us at We will help boost your brand and make you the industry leader.

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