How to build the UI/UX of a Travel app?

Chaintech Network
Design and Motion Media Network
5 min readApr 3, 2024

As more people go on adventures around the world, travelling is becoming more and more popular. As a result, the travel business is growing like never before. To make your dream trip come true quickly and easily in this busy and bright business world, you need to have the right tools on hand.

1. The Product

As more people go on adventures around the world, travelling is becoming more and more popular. As a result, the travel business is growing like never before. To make your dream trip come true quickly and easily in this busy and bright business world, you need to have the right tools on hand.

You’ve come to the perfect place if you want to create an innovative application . We will discuss the key points in this article that you should be aware of before you begin developing the UI/UX of your own travel app.

Let’s understand via the case study of the project called “Travi”

2. Project

Chaintech design and motion media team has dedicatedly worked on developing the UI/UX of this project. The main focus was on crafting an intuitive user interface, incorporating a range of features, and meticulously testing each element for optimal usability.

3. Problem Statement

4. Solution Statement

5. Tools Used

6. Design Process

7. Discovery Phase

During the discovery phase, we conducted in-depth interviews with 5 potential users, both through phone calls and face-to-face meetings. These interviews aimed to understand trip planning habits, pain points and preferences, which served as the foundation for designing a user-centric travel planning app

8. Qualitative Research

● How do you typically approach finding affordable accommodation options when planning a trip?

● Can you describe any specific challenges you face when coordinating transportation arrangements for your travels?

● What factors do you consider when researching and selecting activities and attractions for your trips?

● What methods do you use to control your travel expenses and stick to your spending limit?

● When travelling to unfamiliar places, how do you prioritize safety and security?

9. Quantitative Research

10. Define Phase

We generated three user personas based on the intended user segment and research data. Two fictional personas representing the intended user group were created along with one user persona of a dog.

Persona 1

Persona 2

Persona 3

11. Empathy Map

Empathy mapping helps us get into users’ minds and understand them better. It’s useful for spotting the differences between what users need and what the current solution offers.

12. User Journey Map

It’s crucial to grasp how people usually use the product to figure out any issues and why they use it. Using this knowledge, we mapped out the steps a user takes when using the product to see the whole journey.

13. User Flow

This user flow displays different situations a user might encounter on the app. This helps to see how information will be arranged and shown in a way that’s easy for users to find and understand. The user flow shows the steps users take to achieve their goals while using the app, one after the other.

14. Card Sorting

We sorted the cards to group all the features into different sections. This will make it easier to organize how information is arranged.

15. Information Architecture

We made the card sorting results better to match the app’s goals. Some features were put into different categories to make them easier to locate.

16. Low-Fidelity Wireframe

17. Final Screens


We have everything you need to get started in the travel business and build an advanced base for your business. Chaintech is an expert at making building your platform easy, quick, and cheap. With our years of knowledge and hard work, we make sure that your audience can enjoy your platform without any problems, at any time and in any place. Chaintech has made travelling easier.

