To Alt Tag or Not: The Truth About Etsy Image Descriptions

Miroslav Novohradsky
Design Nexus
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2024


Just my opinion about the SEO benefits of alt-tagging images on Etsy.

Etsy Marketplace

You’re an Etsy seller looking to drive more traffic to your listings.

You come across some advice saying you should add alt text tags to your images for better SEO and more visibility.

Should you take the time to optimize all your product photos with descriptive alt text?

Will it really help bring more eyes to your shop?

Let’s dig into the details, and allow me to assist you with my expertise in SEO.

We’ll start with the basics.

Alt text, or alternative text, is a written description embedded in the HTML code of an image that screens readers for the visually impaired use to identify photos.

For those shoppers, the alt text acts as the photo description when they’re browsing listings.

But alt text also plays a role in search engine optimization (SEO). It provides context and keywords search engine bots use to understand the content of images.

With the right descriptors, alt text can boost your chances of appearing in Google Image Search results.

Here’s an example of alt text in action:



Miroslav Novohradsky
Design Nexus

Writing about graphic design, digital products, and how to sell them. Psst: Get our free Digital Product Starter Kit -