Turn Old Art into Cool Designs You Can Sell (By Using Public Domain Images)

Miroslav Novohradsky
Design Nexus
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2024


Why public domain images can be a goldmine when used correctly.

Photo by Philippe Tinembart on Unsplash

Read this story for free here.

When you scroll through any online marketplace, you have probably seen designs featuring the Mona Lisa selling on t-shirts.

How is it possible that people can sell such designs without being banned, you wonder?

There is a secret called public domain images.

These are visual works, such as photos, illustrations, and paintings, that are not protected by copyright.

This means they can be freely used, modified, and distributed by anyone without needing permission from the original creator.

Yes, you can use them for free, modify them, and even sell them.

There are a few main ways images can enter the public domain:

  • Older works: Artworks, photographs, and illustrations created before a certain date (usually 1923 in the U.S.) are generally considered to be in the public domain.
  • Government works: Images created by government agencies as part of their official duties are often in the public domain, such as NASA photos.
  • Creative Commons



Miroslav Novohradsky
Design Nexus

Writing about graphic design, digital products, and how to sell them. Psst: Get our free Digital Product Starter Kit - https://bit.ly/4eyCDbo