How Composable Technology Can Reshape the Way We Think About Design in the Future

Steve’s Notes in Design
3 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

If you are a fan of Lego, you know how much fun it is to build anything you can imagine with just a few simple blocks. You can create a dinosaur, a spaceship, a castle, or anything else that comes to your mind. You can also easily change your design by adding, removing, or rearranging the blocks as you wish.

Now imagine if you could do the same thing with software. Imagine if you could create any application or design by combining different components that are already available and compatible with each other. Imagine if you could customize and adapt your solution to any situation or need without having to start from scratch every time.

That’s what composable technology is all about.

What is composable technology?

Composable technology is a new approach to software development that uses modular, reusable, and interchangeable components that can be assembled and orchestrated through APIs (application programming interfaces). These components can be anything from data sources, services, functions, features, content, or user interfaces.

Composable technology allows developers and designers to quickly build and deploy solutions that are tailored to specific business needs and customer expectations. It also enables them to update and improve their solutions faster and easier by replacing or adding new components as needed.

Composable technology is not only about software development but also about software architecture. It requires a shift from monolithic systems that are rigid, complex, and hard to change; to composable systems that are flexible, agile, and resilient.

Why is composable technology important?

Composable technology is important because it offers many benefits for businesses of all sizes and industries. Some of these benefits are:

  • Speed: Composable technology enables faster time-to-market by reducing the development cycle and allowing rapid prototyping and testing. It also enables faster response to changing market conditions and customer demands by allowing easy adaptation and innovation.
  • Efficiency: Composable technology reduces costs by minimizing waste and duplication of resources. It also improves productivity by simplifying workflows and automating tasks.
  • Quality: Composable technology enhances quality by ensuring consistency and reliability across components. It also improves customer satisfaction by delivering personalized and engaging experiences.
  • Scalability: Composable technology supports scalability by enabling horizontal expansion of components across multiple platforms and devices. It also supports vertical expansion of components by adding more functionality or capacity as needed.
  • Resilience: Composable technology fosters resilience by enabling fault tolerance and self-healing of components. It also fosters agility by enabling experimentation and learning from failures.

How can composable technology reshape design in the future?

Composable technology can reshape design in the future by changing the way we think about problems and solutions. Instead of focusing on building one-size-fits-all products or services that may become obsolete soon; we can focus on building adaptable solutions that can evolve with changing needs.

Composable technology can also reshape design in the future by changing the way we collaborate and communicate. Instead of working in silos or competing for resources; we can work together as teams or communities that share common goals and values.

Composable technology can also reshape design in the future by changing the way we learn and grow. Instead of relying on fixed knowledge or skills; we can learn new things constantly and improve our abilities continuously.


Composable technology is an exciting trend that has the potential to transform how we create and use software in the future. It offers many advantages for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition and deliver value to their customers.

If you want to learn more about composable technology, here are some resources that I found helpful:

The Future of Business Is Composable — Gartner Keynote
Composable Tech: Why Boardrooms Should Pay Attention And How To Get Started — Forbes
What Is Composable Technology And Why Is It Important? — Sam Solutions
Everything You Need To Know About Composable Applications
— Medium

