Hire, unconventionally!

A mean way to bootstrap.. 

Vijay Balachandran
Design of a SaaS business


Running a start-up or a mid-sized company is a challenging ride with relentless focus put on customer acquisition, product development, business strategy et al. Nothing comes cheaper and every thing is time and cash intensive. However, for a tech startup human capital is the key expense and containing that, without compromising the quality, will save a mountain. That is easier said than done.

The startup hiring space is competitive with Googles and Amazons trying to grab the best talent in the market with high payroll. Given the situation its highly difficult to protect your talent, let aside hiring a better one. In such a situation how should startups approach the hiring problem? How to retain talent that will eventually build a Facebook or Instagram material?

Here is a common sensical approach to this problem. Having worked for businesses of different sizes and cultures and directly being involved in building teams for a couple of growth-stage companies, I am bent to believe this could be the working model to build your tribe, yet bootstrap effectively.

Yes, take an approach that does not appeal to the ‘Elite group’.

Here is your ‘How to?’:

Know what skills can be acquired and what cannot be

You cannot teach

a) passion for your products

b) bias for action

c) energy to persist and

d) humbleness

Those are innate, hard-to-change characteristics. Find hires that come with these qualities. Rest can be imparted.

A candidate might have the right aptitude and attitude that fits your culture but falls short of skills slightly; go hire him, if you can afford an inactive month or two. Understand his limitations and manage his learning pipeline effectively.

Worry less about skills that can be nurtured.

Don’t look for top brands on the resume

The top cos hire graduates from universities like Stanford, Harvard for their fresher positions or look to take over experienced talent from rival cos. So there is always a bunch that comes from tier-2 schools falling slightly short of tier-1 expectations. Its easy to spread your presence through your online and offline network and through avenues that serve as hang outs for a passionate bunch, that wants to make a difference.

Be Personal and create an environment where your hires can perform

Get to know employees better; be compassionate; understand one’s aspirations and goals; be part of happy times and stay around during challenging times; your talent is sure to reciprocate.

And before all that, have a culture!

Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos, says “Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.”

Have an irresistible culture, driven by values, that resonate your business goals. Hire the ones who adhere to those values. In most cases it is not the lack of skill that fails your hire decision, but the lack of attitude and culture. Having a conducive culture can automatically attract talent that you need.

A right decision about the hire would save millions on a long run and this I believe should be the startup way of hiring.

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Vijay Balachandran
Design of a SaaS business

Product monk for life / Believe in numbers and asking questions / Crave for simplicity and sustainability in design / Strive to be sensible and relevant