Build what you can use for yourself.

That way you already have one customer onboard!

Vijay Balachandran
Design of a SaaS business


If your answer to both the questions below is “Yes”, you are good to start building applications to solve your worst problems, and deploy it for the best use of your own business, yet be on your way to make it a profitable venture.

1. Do you have a business problem that brings down your team’s productivity and efficiency?

2. Are you sure a solution to that problem would easily connect with anyone other than yourself, that they badly want it to be fixed too?

Then go ahead and start solving those problems in the order of their impact to your business and others’, collectively.

One of the key challenges related to building and managing a product is feedback management. Understanding if your product makes sense to others, to the extent that they pay for it, is the biggest challenge in any product development.

When you are your own customer, you become the best judge for your product. So bring out a solution that just helps you make your own life better: either by saving your time or by helping your team attain high efficiency or by elevating your brand value.

If you feel excited about the result of such a sprint then you are definitely onboard as your own first customer; And your product would not take time to find its second.


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Vijay Balachandran
Design of a SaaS business

Product monk for life / Believe in numbers and asking questions / Crave for simplicity and sustainability in design / Strive to be sensible and relevant