How We Fuel Our Crew

Design off the Boat
Design off the Boat
2 min readNov 16, 2019
graphic by the DotB design crew

As founders with years of experience working with and for other people, we’ve been in a lot of environments that haven’t prioritized our welfare in the past. Before discovering our niche, it was all about churning work like a stubborn barrel of butter and getting a paycheck, ka-ching, payslip stamped, done.

There was not much consideration on who we were as individuals, what we valued, and what our goals were at the time.

This time around, with Design of the Boat, we strive to treat our team members as equals and as people whose insights we value, listen to, and absorb. We’d like to share that so-called butter. This is our passion project turned digital agency, and we want our crew to keep learning, sharing in, and seeing the importance of what we do. For us to do this, we must be able to empower them.

Establishing Our Work Culture

We established a work culture that is liberal and focused on the quality of output instead of the hours. We don’t require any of our members to clock in on fixed 8-hour shifts unless a specific project requires it, and even then we ask what their priorities are, so that we can establish ours. We don’t micromanage, but we make sure we’re all an easy message away to follow-up or for any questions or concerns.

Aligning a Sense of Purpose

Before we hire members of our team, we explain to them what we do as a company and what we would like to represent. We are direct with what we need, and we establish a sense of purpose for them and for us. We learn what is important for them, too, and integrate/adjust based on what their answers are.

Open Communication

We are always within reach for any feedback, positive or negative, as long as it is constructive. Every week, we have a conversation thread that shares any random achievements, goals, and stories we’d like to share with each other. Because we all work remotely, this is our way of bridging that distance and to communicate life beyond the responsibilities we have for each other. There are times we forget we’re continents apart!


We believe that the best projects and the best people thrive in a company that feels like a space that nourishes them and recognizes their importance, as well as gives them direction. As we scale with our vision and our clients, we take care of our core and our members; Design of the Boat would not be the hardy ship it is without them.



Design off the Boat
Design off the Boat

We’re Sisa & Asia, the captains of Design Off The Boat! We run a borderless design agency while living 15,835km apart & we’re excited to show you how.