Design Patterns — Composite in Angular


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Structural patterns describe ways to combine classes and objects into larger structures.

Structural patterns consist of:
1. Adapter
2. Composite
3. Proxy
4. Flyweight
5. Facade
6. Bridge
7. Decorator

The Composite design pattern is used to create a hierarchy of whole-part relationships or to create tree data structures.

The structure of the Composite pattern consists of several elements:

Client — interacts with all elements through the component interface. As a result, the client can operate in the same way on both simple and complex tree elements.

Component — the Component interface describes operations common to both simple and complex tree elements.

Leaf — is the basic element of the tree that doesn’t have any subordinate elements. Typically, leaf components perform most of the function, because it doesn’t have any subordinate elements

Container (also known as Composite) — an element that has child elements: leaves or other containers. The container doesn’t know the concrete classes of its contents. It communicates with all child elements only…

