I don’t have time to read the news, but I should…

Daniel Korpai
Design ideas and inspirations
4 min readMar 23, 2015


Let me tell you a story, that I’ve never told anyone yet.

The story begins around two months ago, when I almost failed on one of my courses in University, because I wasn’t up-to-date on some European events. After that, I decided that I will follow the news every day. It’s unnecessary to say, that this new found enthusiasm only lasted for 5 days…

I’ve also asked my friends about this, and except a few of them, they don’t have time to read the news frequently. In order to keep up with the news, I’ve tried everything, from RSS readers, iOS applications, iOS and Mac notifications, but nothing worked.

I don’t have time to catch up with 5–10 quality news sites every single day.

“There is so many news out there, that it’s hard to select which one is important, and read them within 10 minutes.”

But I’ve a friend, who loves to follow the news

Andras Toth is the only one I know, that is obsessed with staying up to date about European and International events. One day, when we met in a Starbucks, we started to think about solutions for my problem.

The solution we eventually found, was so simple, so intuitive, that we knew immediately we had to do it.

“What if you get the 5 most important European news links to your inbox, every single day?”

This was to moment, when YUROP News was born. YUROP News is a service, which sends you the 5 most important news links every day at 7 o’clock. So you can bring yourself up to date with the news, while enjoying your morning coffee or tea.

About those 5 important news stories

During our beta program, we got lots of questions about how we choose the five most important news links. Although we explain most details about news selection on our website, we feel that we cannot overemphasise the fact, that our service is a completely manual, “hand-picked”solution.

Of course there are great algorithms out there to do similar jobs, but we can confidently say, that we read every single news article that we send you, and they are understandable, objective, relevant and trustworthy.

In terms of sources, we only use material written by very reliable news organizations, such as Reuters, AP, AFP, BBC News, and others.

The feedback we have received so far

Since the launch of our beta program, we got an outstandingly positive response from our friends and subscribers. These positive feedbacks are the best proofs for us, that there is a real need for a high quality and reliable newsletter service.

Maybe the most important feedback, we’ve received so far was that our subscribers learn about news events they wouldn’t have read about any other way. YUROP News became an essential part of my daily life, because I mostly read it in the morning, with a coffee or a tea.

At the beginning, we sent out our daily newsletter at 8 AM, but after a thoughtful request, we modified that to 7 AM, so our users can integrate YUROP News easier in their daily lifestyle.

What’s next?

We’ve just finished our beta program and we’re completely amazed with the results. By now, we have more than 100 subscribers, who can’t wait until the morning to check the most important news with a warm beverage in hand.

“The 100 subscribers during the first beta week proved us that we’re doing something really cool and meaningful.”

When we determined the price of the service, we wanted to set a reasonable and affordable price, which is not more than what you pay for a quality latte. This is the reason, why we set it at € 3 per month. For this price you will get the most important news links every day including the weekends and the holidays. We believe that this price for such a service is more than favourable.

In order to secure the privacy of our subscribers, we’re using SSL encryption on YUROP News and for the best online payment experience, we’ve integrated Stripe, the most advanced online payment system available.

From a designer’s perspective, I’m always too critical with the ugly and old online payment systems, so since we’re using Stripe, I subscribed 5 times, just to experience again and again this unique and pleasing online payment process.

We hope that we managed to grab your attention and we cannot wait to welcome you in our service. For more details don’t forget to check our website: https://yuropnews.com.

We are always here to answer any of your questions: hello@yuropnews.com

See you tomorrow morning at 7AM! (after you subscribed) ☺

P.S.: yes, we cannot live without coffee.

