Design Reading Weekly | 3

Volkan Uçmak
Design Reading
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2017

Hello friends,

I am terribly sorry for the huge delay. I had my own reasons, but I know you don’t care about them, so let’s jump into fancy parts ;)



You’re my Favorite ClientMike Monteiro

This book is not for designers but people who buy design.

In his follow-up to Design Is a Job, Mike Monteiro demystifies the design process and helps you prepare for your role. Ensure you’re asking the right questions, giving effective feedback, and hiring designers who will challenge you to make your product the best it can be.


The lost art of thinking — Mark Wilson / Wilson Fletcher

Everything seems to be fitting into a framework and it’s putting a straitjacket on the most important attribute of innovation: thinking.

Documenting Design DiscoveryDan Brown

This is the struggle with discovery: a single artifact like a wireframe or site map or mental model can be used for so many different things. If you don’t know the intention of your artifacts, you can’t rely on them to guide your decisions about the product.


Font Pair — Helps designers pair Google Fonts together.


This issue’s keynote (from Mike Monteiro) might be 6 years old but that doesn’t lessen it’s importance. I had a chance to meet Mike at ServiceDesignNetwork conference — who can forget that poor squeaky chicken ;)

