Design Science
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2023


A Status Update On The State Of The Noise In The Workspace Project Started In Early August, 2023, By Interdisciplinary Artist-Researcher, A.G.

“SPACE NOISE INJECTION” by A.G. © 2023. All Rights Reserved.


  • A new painting experiment, a painting series on the subject of statistical randomness in the process(es) of artistic production;
  • Introducing new ways, methods, of generating random sequences/values, using devices such as dice for randomness;
  • Is a large-scale, interdisciplinary art-research project, like the many others of its kind that came before it;
  • These are only the outlines for the first two series of interdisciplinary art-research; there will be an indefinite number of series;
  • The Methodology itself is Randomized; hence, the neeed for a new project investigating “NOISE IN THE WORKSPACE”;
  • The research is already extremely advanced; I may have come up with a new mathematical proof that could change the face of interruption science;
  • Everything is being logged, documented, and posted freely online.

Chief Art Operator / The Historiotheque


Series Title: Space Noise Injection

I. Overview: A. Introduction

  1. Definition of “Space Noise Injection” as a concept derived from exploration in parameter space
  2. Application of noise injection in the painting process inspired by reinforcement learning

II. Conceptual Scheme:

A. Reinforcement Learning Inspiration

  1. Exploration of the “Parameter Space Noise for Exploration” paper by OpenAI
  2. Adaptation of noise injection principles into the artistic realm

B. Dice-Based Decision Making

  1. Integration of randomness through the use of dice
  2. Dice rolls determine the placement of “marks” on the canvas

III. Disciplines:

A. Images

  1. Painting a. Experimentation with dice-guided mark placement b. Evolution of visual compositions influenced by randomness c. Exploration of the interplay between controlled and random elements

B. Sounds

  1. Music a. Incorporation of randomness in musical composition b. Translating the dice-based approach to musical notes and rhythms c. Real-time adjustments in the auditory landscape

C. Words

  1. Fiction a. Narratives shaped by dice-generated plot points b. Characters and story arcs influenced by random elements c. Dynamic storytelling in response to chance events

IV. Experimental Aspects: A. Dice-Driven Decision-Making

  1. Interpretation of dice rolls as a creative guide
  2. Dynamic adjustments based on chance occurrences

B. Aesthetic Exploration

  1. Analysis of the aesthetic qualities introduced by random elements
  2. Reflection on the balance between intentionality and unpredictability

C. Interdisciplinary Connections

  1. Cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and methods within the series
  2. Shared insights on the impact of noise injection across different artistic expressions

V. Project Scale: A. Duration

  1. Implementation of “Space Noise Injection” across an extended timeline
  2. Continuous exploration and refinement of the series

B. Iterative Nature

  1. Evolution of the conceptual framework based on ongoing experiments
  2. Flexibility to adapt the series as new insights emerge

VI. Potential Outcomes:

A. Visual Art

  1. Emergence of unique visual styles influenced by noise injection
  2. Integration of chance-driven elements into the artistic process

B. Music

  1. Creation of dynamic musical compositions with unpredictable elements
  2. Exploration of novel auditory experiences through noise injection

C. Literature

  1. Development of experimental narratives shaped by chance
  2. Contributions to the understanding of randomness in storytelling

VII. Potential Challenges: A. Balancing Intent and Chance

  1. Managing the interplay between artistic intention and random elements
  2. Addressing challenges in maintaining cohesion within the series

VIII. Ethical Considerations: A. Impact on Artistic Expression

  1. Ensuring the series remains a positive and meaningful exploration
  2. Respecting the ethical implications of chance-driven creative decisions

IX. Collaborative Opportunities:

A. Shared Exploration

  1. Encouraging collaborative experiments within the series
  2. Facilitating discussions on the integration of noise injection across disciplines in the project


Series Title: Randomized Experimental Parameters

I. Overview: A. Introduction

  1. Definition of “Randomized Experimental Parameters” as a series exploring innovative concepts in the artistic process
  2. Application of randomness to traditional artistic parameters in a controlled yet experimental manner

II. Conceptual Scheme:

A. Innovative Parameter Exploration

  1. Introduction of randomization to traditional artistic parameters
  2. Controlled experimentation to observe the impact on creative outcomes

B. Dynamic Control

  1. Balancing randomness with controlled elements
  2. Exploration of how randomized parameters influence creative decision-making

III. Disciplines:

A. Images

  1. Painting a. Randomized color palettes and brushstroke techniques b. Controlled exploration of the impact of chance on visual compositions c. Iterative development of innovative visual styles

B. Sounds

  1. Music a. Randomized musical elements such as tempo, key, and instrumentation b. Dynamic control over the interplay between structured and random components c. Evolution of auditory experiences through experimental parameters

C. Words

  1. Fiction a. Randomized plot structures and character development b. Controlled narrative experiments with chance-driven elements c. Collaborative exploration of innovative storytelling techniques

IV. Experimental Aspects: A. Randomization Techniques

  1. Development of algorithms for controlled randomness
  2. Application of randomized experimental parameters to guide the creative process

B. Iterative Creativity

  1. Continuous refinement based on the observation of randomized outcomes
  2. Exploration of the creative possibilities within the interplay of order and chaos

C. Cross-disciplinary Insights

  1. Shared experimentation and insights across different artistic expressions
  2. Integration of innovative concepts derived from randomized parameters

V. Project Scale:

A. Duration

  1. Long-term implementation of “Randomized Experimental Parameters”
  2. Ongoing exploration and adaptation of parameters over time

B. Adaptive Framework

  1. Flexibility to adjust experimental parameters based on evolving artistic goals
  2. Openness to incorporate new concepts and technologies into the series

VI. Potential Outcomes:

A. Visual Art

  1. Creation of visually striking artworks through randomized parameters
  2. Exploration of the boundaries between intention and chance in visual expression

B. Music

  1. Production of innovative musical compositions with unpredictable elements
  2. Contribution to the understanding of the role of randomness in auditory art

C. Literature

  1. Development of experimental narratives shaped by randomized parameters
  2. Exploration of novel storytelling structures and techniques

VII. Potential Challenges:

A. Finding the Right Balance

  1. Striking a balance between randomization and artistic intent
  2. Addressing challenges in maintaining cohesion within the series

VIII. Ethical Considerations: A. Impact on Artistic Integrity

  1. Ensuring that randomization enhances, rather than detracts from, artistic expression
  2. Respecting ethical considerations related to experimental parameters

IX. Collaborative Opportunities: A. Shared Exploration

  1. Encouraging collaboration and experimentation within the series
  2. Facilitating discussions on the integration of randomized parameters across disciplines in the project

