Research — Design Process


Abbie Strachan
Design - Screen Based Communication
2 min readOct 19, 2018


Goals for the project

I chose to go with the topic of food waste. The purpose of the website is to make people aware of the issue regarding the scale of the waste. I also want to include some possible solutions and small changes people could make in order to start trying to improve the waste problem.

Scope of the project

I want to highlight the issue of food waste, and I think the best way to do this is by showing statistics as they are quite shocking. However I want to show this through infographics in order to engage the user.


I want to aim the website at a slightly younger audience like students as I feel something slightly more playful would be good for them. It is important that I consider this throughout choosing my designs such as the colour pallete.


As my audience is for students I wanted to keep my website with a light tone, something slightly more playful with the use of the illustrations. The aim to make people aware of the issue but more importantly to make suggestions on small changes people could make in their life to reduce food waste. The light tone will hopefully make these suggestions seem more appealing rather than demanding.


These illustrations of food were made in illustrator and then shaded using the brushes in photoshop. I wanted to add depth as I feel the website may have looked to flat and not as visually interesting without. The illustrations will be used to direct the users eye around the page and to create hirearchy.

I had originally wanted to go with a blue and yellow toned colour palette so I could try to convey trust and positivity to the users. However, after placing the illustrations alongside the bluees I felt lite the website appeared more childlike and messy. Therefore I have decided to stick to monochromatic colour scheme with using pops of yellow for call to actions and to highlight important information.

Topic Research

