Visual Identity

Abbie Strachan
Design - Screen Based Communication
2 min readOct 19, 2018

Having a strong visual identity is necessary when creating a brand/website. A visual identity is more than just a logo, it is about the personality, the tone that the brand is trying to have. This personality is created through every peice of visuals a brand has such as the type and colour scheme. As mentioned previously in my research you only have 10 seconds before someone decideds if they want to stay on your website and the visual identity is what makes the first impression.

An example of a brand with good visual identity is National Geographic.

Although these pages may all appear very different, at a glance you could still probably recognise that they belong to National Geographic. The yellow rectangle takes centre stage across all pages and prints,standing out from the photography. Their visual guidelines have been planned to every last detail to ensure consistency throughout all platforms and medias.


