How to Make GIF Images Work on Your WordPress Website

Create your own stuff for web. 

Mike Swan
3 min readNov 26, 2013


There are no less honorable blogging platforms out there, but WordPress stands tall for wasting no time in letting you hit the top gear with your website. WordPress gives you a free rein over a host of features and tools and makes website development your strong suit. WordPress doesn’t skimp on the scope to incessantly improve it, based on how you wish your website to come up with conventional and non-conventional features. However, when you have gone for converting PSD to WordPress, there are moments which make you scramble for help. Attempting to add gif files is one of them.

Adding animation files to your WordPress blog isn’t a laboring task, but it’s prone to errors that lead to you wasting a lot of hours determining why you can’t get the image up and running on the site.

  • Resolution: On your end, you must be hoping to embed an image with firebug of a resolution. However, a majority of the templates do not let you use gif images with a size of more than 55 pixels. One shouldn’t be disappointed as this is a fairly good size for gif images and gives impressive visual results.
  • Reduce the Size: Now, once you have decided to scale down the image size, do not plan to do it using WordPress, as it anyways is taking as input the full sized photograph, which it had issues with, in the first place. It hardly takes time if you are using Microsoft Picture Manager or for that matter, MS Paint.
Reduce Size
  • Maybe You haven’t Selected the Right Theme: If you are still facing issues even after reducing the image size, you should look to change the theme. WordPress lends you with a huge array of choices and it should hardly be a problem to find one that suits your design sensibilities.
Wordpress Theme

There are a number of instances where the image you selected loads and animates expectedly, but not so on your blog page. There is every chance that it is happening with one of the above reasons. Medium resolution pictures not only help in evading errors, but they would also facilitate easy loading of the web page. If you are running an animation of 2 megapixels, you are likely to kill the loading speed of the page that hosts the image. The page becomes viable only to a small fraction of users who enjoy high Internet speeds, which leads to a huge loss of potential traffic that you may have otherwise gained. Even if you are not uploading an animation image, the jpeg size should also be restrained for your web pages to load quickly.

While asking an expert for help is advisable, but avoid doing so through online forums. If you know some WordPress experts personally, or through some connections, seek their help.

Images count amongst the driving forces of a website’s success. Internet introduces you to free downloadable images in spades. The more images you use in an article, more is the size of the web page. Hence, deciding on the suitable resolution per image, edit the downloaded images before you put them up.

Mike is a content writer by mood and a web designer by profession. He loves to share his thoughts & Ideas on various PSD to wordpress conversion services. You can log on to his business website (Markupcloud) for more information on various other conversion services. Call +1.606.658.0055 for more information.



Mike Swan

Mike Swan is a content writer by mood and a web designer by profession.