Start recruiting top talent in your network

Discreet recruitment comes to LinkedIn

Victoria Parker
1 min readSep 15, 2013

Finding great people to help make your team become more productive and solid isn’t easy. Going back to basics when searching for top talent can help. Leveraging your and your co-workers’ network does magic in terms of landing the right fit for any position. The best strategy is to first ensure your current team members really believe in your mission and enjoy working in your team. If they do , they’ll act as your ambassadors. They’ll bring their friends, classmates, ex co-workers and all will feel committed to the company’s mission and to growing your team.

Jobrupt -a new free application for LinkedIn - helps you recruit top talent in your network in a discreet fashion, when you hesitate to make the first move for various reasons. Within 5 minutes you may start recruiting.

  1. Sign in with your LinkedIn account to see your connections.
  2. Select your connections using the button "Want to hire". You may unselect them at any time if you change your mind. Don't worry, they' ll only know about your intention if they want to work for you.
  3. Share an update on LinkedIn, Twitter or elsewhere to let your connections know that you're hiring on Jobrupt.

