My newspaper design for Dec. 3

Issa David
2 min readDec 3, 2013

This … is the paper that I design. Each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I want to take you inside the process of how I design the Daily Union.

First, the center package. Junction City, KS is a military town, so having the soldiers front and center was a simple choice.

Junction City always has some sort of crime going on, and people love to read about crime. Which is why I put the former animal shelter director article next to the soldier kids.

The story and the standalone are the above the fold elements.

That means when people go to the racks, this is what they will see.

I always put the two (or three) strongest packages above the fold.

The middle story breaks up the fold and the anchor.

The anchor is the bottom half of the front page.

For the anchor, I decided to flip what I did up top (Even though the bottom picture goes with a story and the top is a standalone, there are some similarities.)

The left rail is something that is put on when I need to add something else. More often than not, it gets taken off.

What are you thoughts? Is there anything that I could have done differently?

Until Thursday,




Issa David

Man of God. B.A. in journalism. Your eyes can't hit what your eyes can't see. I am gonna float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Rumble, young man, rumble.