The long road ahead…

The post-build grind for SaaS & Web App startups

Nick Coats
2 min readSep 26, 2013


Ah, the moment of rejoice after you finally launch your new SaaS or web app… Wow, that was short!

For the non-tech savvy, many think the hardest part is in fact building the app. You hear it all the time as a developer, “This app would be huge! Just build it and I promise it’ll take off!”. Countless “marketing experts” think it’s a simple task to get the word out about a new service to the right market and in the right context.

The simple fact is, regardless of what you’ve built, the “launch” and following months are the most testing and difficult times of a startups life. With the weight and expectations, the targets and strategies, the metrics and analytics, a SaaS or web app startup can very easily spiral into chaos and crash. If you don’t have realistic expectations and a certain piece of mind to deal with it all, then you never really have a chance.

Sustainable growth is often underestimated by first-time entrepreneurs, but the difficulty of achieving it quickly puts them in their place. It’s incredibly difficult to attain, yet can so easily be lost. If you’re having a go, give it your best and remember that it doesn’t happen overnight.

Be focused. Be calculated. Be responsive. Be resilient.

Good luck!

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