Post-Launch The Honeymoon phase: Don’t Lose Focus

Anybody can be the new kid on the block. But can you sustain this growth?

Cory Torres Bishop
Design + Startups


“Fortune favors the prepared mind.” — Louis Pasteur

I meant to throw this up sooner but there’s been a million other things to do like squashing bugs, integrating new stores, testing next features/iterations, analyzing usage & feedback, and not to mention the amount of work it takes to raise a bit of capital so we can really build this thing out.

Now that we’ve launched & subsequently gained a solid user base my team & I are learning even faster — learning about our users, ourselves, new skills, working more efficiently, and of course constantly prodding our current product to help plan/build the next few iterations to come. We’ve already begun a total redesign of ShopDrop that’ll feature a more image driven & friendlier interface when it comes to displaying stores’ information. We also plan to add store profiles, better data, as well as focus even more on boutiques and higher end chains. There’s lots and lots to come, as we’re just getting started.

TODAY we actually just released a new update for ShopDrop with 25 new stores and a map solely for sample sales resulting in a TechCrunch stamp of approval.

It’s awesome to receive such amazing press in 2 short weeks but we know this is the nature of the “honeymoon phase”. We’re new, we’re fresh, users are curious, they’re checking us out. But what we also know is that this is short lived. Sustaining growth is what we’re focused on. No lapse in bug testing, updating, and planning for the next 6, 12, and 24 months. We’re determined to build ShopDrop into a more robust platform that keeps users informed about boutiques, high end chains, and even sample sales — entities that majority of our competitors do not serve. We’ve got a long road ahead of us but we’re excited for what’s to come. It’s all about execution from here on out. We’re attempting to carve out our own space but as we know and is the nature of tech, it’ll be no easy task as there’s always always always someone either right behind you or 2 steps ahead. You almost want to keep a constant paranoia of being left behind. Do that and I think it’ll serve you well.

Something that anyone who’s shipped a product from conception knows is that it’s a whole new ball game once you have real live users interacting with the damn thing. That thing you call a product. The thing that hopefully provides the user with some sort of value. Once your product is out for the world to see, all assumptions of what users might do or how they might use it is out the window. Now you know. You have the data to tell you if they’re returning to your product. Your job is to analyze this data, talk to your users, keep an eye on what your competition is doing, and try your best to increase whatever engagement is happening — on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Downloads are great but what if the user doesn’t return?


Check out ShopDrop when you get a chance and if you have any ideas/feedback feel free to email me at We’ve got a huge UX/UI redesign on the way and would luv your feedback! Read more about my startup adventures at

