Join me?

Inside Sequoia’s Creative Lab

James Buckhouse
Design Story
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2014


One-by-one tomorrow’s design leaders have started to open the doors of 2800 Sand Hill Road to join me for short-term, fast-paced, one-on-one, hands-on projects as Design Fellows and Visiting Designers at Sequoia’s Creative Lab. We draw, code, write, and help each other get better. Join us! Apply here.

There are two types of designers participating in the program: Design Fellows and Visiting Designers.

Design Fellows

Design Fellows typically have 1–5 years experience and an urgent desire to sublimate their design career with a big jump forward — but they need a just a little more experience and hands-on mentoring to get there. Maybe they’ve been overlooked, maybe they’ve never been given a chance, maybe they are being promoted so quickly they need help learning to lead. Maybe they love design, but need a mentor who actually gives a damn about their careers and works to help make their lives better (so that they can in turn make other people’s lives better).

As a Design Fellow, we’ll work together for 3–12 months — we will train together, learn together, design together, and meet the design teams in Sequoia’s portfolio. The hope is that after the fellowship, Design Fellows will find a full-time home in one of Sequoia’s portfolio companies. Sound intriguing? Apply here.

Meet our past and present Design Fellows:

Jessie Ren (SCL ’15 Product Designer at Evernote)

Kat Fukui (SCL ’15 Product Designer at GitHub)

Jen Wibowo (SCL ’16 Product Designer at Pocket, now Mozilla)

Alex Bond (SCL ’16 Sr. Product Designer at Robin Hood)

Sue Kim SCL ‘17

Jules Forrest SCL ‘17

Visiting Designers

Thrillingly bold, tenacious, intelligent and chic, each designer in the Visiting Designer program serves as an expert on a particular topic. She or he brings a unique perspective to design shoulder to shoulder with the team on short-term, fast-paced sprints. Meet a few of the visiting designers.

Ash Huang

Samantha Warren

Alice Lee

Jessica Phan

Jon Gold

Coleen Baik

Global Kinship

Our twin goals are to prove the case for investing in design and to raise the status of designers everywhere through exceptional work and active participation in design’s global community.

With your help, we can get there. Thank you to everyone who helped in the #SCL’s first year. And if we haven’t yet met, please email me at

We work better when we work together.

As Socrates said: “Know thy selfie”

So Designer…

If you’re a designer and would like come work with me at the #SCL, please apply here. I’d love to hear from you.

Oh, and one more thing (so you don’t have to ask) — YES — of course! — both Visiting Designers and Design Fellows are paid gigs. Hope to see you soon at the #SCL.

In the meantime, here’s our Creative Lab Spotify playlist



James Buckhouse
Design Story

Design Partner at Sequoia, Founder of Sequoia Design Lab. Past: Twitter, Dreamworks. Guest lecturer at Stanford GSB/ & Harvard GSD