The 24hr UX Challenge

Rakshit Keswani
Design Studio, IIT Roorkee
4 min readMay 20, 2019

Designing chat experience

I took up an assignment by a medical website to design a chat experience between a female patient and a male nutritionist where the patient wants to lose body weight and acquire a good physique.

The Challenges here were:-

  1. How the patient will explain her situation.
  2. How the payment will happen for the consultation.
  3. How the nutritionist will answer and share the diet plan.
  4. How the patient will follow nutritionist’s instruction and share updates.

The Timeline

Saturday (evening)- Understanding the problem statement and Initial research, followed by ideation and sketching out initial concepts.

Sunday (Morning)- Finalizing the ideas and sketching wireframes

Sunday (Afternoon)- Prototyping some screens and documenting the work

To get the Idea clear I started by building a story. I wove a hypothetical story for understanding the problems of the user and tackle the problem better and in a more user-centric way.

User Story

Aysha is a 19-year-old girl and is concerned about her increasing weight, she is looking for a quick solution for her problem and comes to know about the app. She goes on the app enters symptoms and selects the specialty of doctor she wants treatment from. Aysha is a bit shy and doesn’t open up easily to a stranger.

Secondary Research

I started by looking experiences of different apps like 1mg, DocApp, Ada that provided similar experience and tried to figure out how users were interacting in each case, I also tried to figure out different payment methods they adopted in their app.

Thus after I learnt and understood about the problem, I started to work on tackling the problem.

Mapping:- I started to draw a Map, I listed the customers (doctor & Aysha) on the left side and my objectives on the right side and tried to complete the flowchart in between by showing how Aysha will interact with the app.

HMW:- I wrote HMW notes (How Might We Notes), These allow me to write one Idea per sticky note so that I can make a stack of all the problems related to Aysha.

Clustering:- I organized my HMW notes to different categories of problems. I placed similar Ideas next to one another and Labelled them as they emerged.

Picking Ideas:- I picked the set of Ideas that I thought were appropriate and were possible to prototype with the limited time I had.

Sketching:- After my decision making was over I took to the step of sketching. In the first 20 min, I wrote down all the things I had to keep in mind and in the next 20 min I jot down all the Ideas I had.

Crazy 8:- It’s the method I prefer to get as many as Ideas possible in just 8 Minutes. It allows me to explore all options and get to a solution sketch which I otherwise would have missed out.

Thus after my Ideas were clear I started making wireframes of my final ideas so that took it to sketch to make some UI.

The Golden Path

The experience of how nutritionists will answer and share diet plans and how the patient will follow nutritionist’s instructions had to be defined. Thus I started thinking it piecewise.




In this assignment, I learnt about how to make decisions quickly and understand how to search and think of solutions under time constraints. Still, there will always be a scope of improvement in my work and I will definitely love to work on similar projects.

