Design Methodologies — A comparison

Aman Srivastava
5 min readOct 16, 2016


In our Design Theory class recently, we learnt about the different models and methodologies that exist in any design oriented developmental process.

I shall try and explain these models to you in a simple manner, and put across their advantages and disadvantages, and also elaborate on when to use which model.

The first methodology we’ll talk about, is the Waterfall Methodology.

As the name suggests, a waterfall methodology is a top to down process. It is sequential, and is carried out in steps. One step follows another, and can only commence once the previous one is completed.

I shall explain all the processes with the same example in order to show you how each one of them works.

Let’s take Über as an example.

If Über was developed using a waterfall methodology, the business analysts would come up with ideas, get the designers to create those ideas, and the developers to execute them.

Here, the advantages are that since the process has to be meticulously planned, a strong documentation is maintained. This enables us to look back at the entire process and figure out what could be done better the next time around. It also enables the client to know what to expect. It gives them a definitive outline of the time and money behind the project.

The disadvantages of this methodology are that making changes is almost close to impossible. Once a step is complete, it is difficult to revert back to a previous one to make a change. The process has to be started from scratch again. Also, this method is very time consuming. Reverting back to our Über example, the analysts would come up with the idea of making the app with a certain amount of features. Then, the designer would design the screens for each of these features, and finally the developer would build each one of these screens.

But, the most major disadvantage of the waterfall methodology is that the 3 parties (Business Analysts, Designers and Developers) hardly ever work together. Because of the process being sequential, the job is always passed on from one party to the other, and follows a cycle.

So, in my opinion, it is best to use this methodology when time is not a constraint and a clear picture of what is to be achieved is in mind.

The second methodology, is the Agile Methodology.

Agile, was created as the solution to everything that was wrong with the Waterfall methodology. Instead of being a step by step process, Agile follows an incremental process.

So, if Über was developed using the agile methodology, the app would’ve been broken down into small parts, that would be created one by one in sprints. Instead of creating the whole project together, it would be created in parts and then put together. The analysts would come up with an idea. The designer would create the screen for that idea and forward it to the developer who’d build it. If everything goes well, the next screen is designed and then built, and so on.

The advantages of this are that the project can be tested at the end of each sprint and bugs can be dealt with. It also relieves the workload of the project. Agile also enables all 3 parties to work as a team at the same time in collaboration.

The main advantage of Agile, though, is that due to the incremental process, the product can go through client feedback after any sprint. This lets the product experience real-time user testing, and issues can be addressed in the next sprint.

The disadvantage of the Agile methodology is that sometimes, the initial idea gets lost and the final product doesn’t turn up the same as what was planned initially. Also, the lack of a definitive timeline can cause issues.

So, I feel it is best to use this methodology when the scope of the project is flexible, and a fast market release is required.

Finally, we come to the Lean Methodology.

With the emergence of the Startup culture, a new methodology was created to help these emerging companies to not fail.

The Lean methodology focuses on working smarter, rather than harder. What it does is that it divides the project into parts where the entire process is divided into cycles, and at the end of each cycle, a minimum viable product (MVP) is released into the market.

Let me explain this better by using our Über example.

If Über was developed using the Lean methodology, the idea of a taxi booking app was created. The team then designed and built an app that enables users to book taxis. The app was released in the market. Then, the team decided to allow users to book SUVs as taxis. So, the team added that feature and released an updated version.

The Lean methodology is feature oriented, and is both sequential and incremental at the same time.

The advantages of this are that the product is released in the market and builds a customer base with its initial release. The feedback from this release is then accounted in the next release, where improvements are made and features are added according to the users’ needs.

The disadvantage of this methodology is that team cohesiveness is absolutely crucial and everyone must be equally committed towards the project, which isn’t always the case.

Thus, the best time to use the Lean methodology is when all 3 parties can work together at the same time. Another important factor is that, when the budget and timeline aren’t substantial, the Lean methodology can work wonders as a simple version can be released, and can be followed by a version with more features as and when the budget and time increases.

The following diagram by Miss Natalie Hollier is a beautiful explanation of the three processes, and I would like to end this article with it.



Aman Srivastava

19. New Delhi. Undergraduate in Interaction Design at The Design Village. Freelance Graphic Designer. Football Enthusiast.