
Jishnu Das
Design @ TDV
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2015


“Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality”

-Bruce Lee

It is an age old saying that for any creative problem solving there is an utmost need to unlearn.


The ability to look at the world with a fresh unschooled, unfettered mind as a blank piece of paper and this ‘rebirth’ should happen repeatedly which does not mean that the rational or educated ideas acquired from the very childhood is lost.

This is a common behaviour of people, when they gain some kind an outcome to problems the pre-conceived ideas from the solution becomes their ‘identity’ with time, not being aware or realizing thousands of different perspectives and to choose the best possible approach. This pre-conceived ideas can lead to EGO, feeling of superiority, calcification of ideas and mental blockages. I consider this as the death of the journey in this never ending path of knowledge.

This exactly what is happening in schools and other educational institutes where education (knowledge) is so institutionalized and calcified that the overall creative prowess is narrowed down, failing to inspire the society as a whole.

Whereas The Design Village — an unconventional design institute opened up a completely different perspective to so called ‘education’. Our first class on unlearning taken by my beloved Kshitiz anand Sir gave us an amazing insight about emptying the pre-conceived ideas and how it is important for being a good designer. It did resonated with my thought process to a great extend.

Though I guess we are all on the process of implementing the concept of ‘rebirth’ i.e. getting away with the age old ideologies and assumptions regularly. But, I also hope the concept of’ learning and unlearning’ gets hard-wired into our brain and grows into a second nature.


