
goghularajan official


Work shop conducted by Mr.Siddarthsingh in the first day is to think about the memory of past. We assumed as if we are in that interpreted story and we made our own body to act the particular character.

We were asked to draw a childhood memory in an A3 sheet with a monochromatic color which will determine the mood of that picture and to draw human figure in a nude format which should be in six different pose. In a new sheet we were asked to draw human figure in a nude format which should be in six different pose. Mapping is done by using various colors.
An inspiration of a famous author is written in as sheet and converted into a picture that should be an indirect representative. After a certain period the collage is totally filled with colors and creativity. Using these thread everyone connected the place where they like to be and why so they need to be in that place.

Finally the role play of the story is performed more than three times continuously to make perfection. This workshop triggered to know the design and the theatre of the human who can make use of image and medium.

The trip to auroville started on 19th with a train journey to Chennai central where we came out of a comfort zone experience the food, life style of living in train without comfort. We had given a task to fine the hidden place in auroville.
To find the hidden place we were trapped by the trees and found two hidden place in the auroville. Mandal pottery made us to know about the making of the pottery and the ceramic used. Sadhna forest which makes to get out from the laziness. Upcycling workshop is done by using a cardboard where we can create a product that will be useful to mobile at any cause (mobile utility products out of cardboard).
Last day is visit to Pondicherry where an activity is performed by a Pondicherry research group till afternoon and we are free to roam till night. At last went to accommodation and the bus to be started at 2a.m. took the bus to Chennai central and departure to Delhi within a day.

