Saussere & Peirce — Models of a Sign

Maeve Donohue
Design Theory & Critical Thinking
2 min readJan 24, 2017

Saussure’s general view about linguistics and language

  • There is a distinction between language (langue) and the activity of speaking (parole).
  • Speaking is an activity of the individual; language is the social manifestation of speech.
  • Language is a system of signs that evolves from the activity of speech.
  • Language is a borderland between thought and sound, where thought and sound combine to provide communication.
  • A linguistic sign is a combination of a concept and a sound-image.
  • The concept is what is signified, and the sound-image is the signifier. The combination of the signifier and the signified is arbitrary; i.e., and sound-image can conceivably be used to signify a particular concept

My interpretation of Saussure’s model of a sign

My concept map outlining Saussere’s model of a sign

My teacher said I covered the main idea with this map, but would like to see “Synchronic” and “Diachronic” included. He also noted that it might help to situate “Signs” in “Semiotics” and “Semiotics” in “Linguistics”. I will rework this before the end of the semester and post new version.

Peirce’s definition of a sign is

something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity

Peirce’s model of the sign goes beyond Saussure’s focus on linguistic conventions to include a wide range of “signifying stimuli”. Peirce adds the interpretant (the mental image of the tree) to his model, where in Saussure’s model this flexible mental idea of the element was only implicit.

My interpretation of Peirce’s model of a sign

Interpretant — Represantamen — Object (Referent)

My concept map for Peirce’s model of a sign

My teacher also noted that this concept map covers the main idea, but is bit minimalistic. He would like it to also include “Icon”, “Index”, and “Symbol”. I’ll add those later in the semester and post the updated version.

References and helpful readings on the topic:

