Arduino tutorials

Week 2–3 (9/7–18)

Jisoo Shon
HyperSense_ Fall 2020
1 min readSep 14, 2020


(I didn’t get the tutorial kit yet. I’ll update after purchasing one! For now, I’m just summarizing some points from the tutorials.)

  • Intro to coding in Arduino


-Writing comments: sharing with others and for myself (*/. //)

-Set up / Loop

  • First Arduino tutorial by Matt

-tools -board-selecting the model/port/ board info and look at the serial #

-Blink / SOS

  • Piezo Buzzer tutorial

-tone(); -Pin, Frequency, Duration / noTone(); -Pin


  • Buttons

== (equal to)


else (otherwise)

  • Ultrasonic

pin connections: GND-GND/ VCC-5V/ Trig -digital pin 9 / Echo-digital pin 10

Arduino Sketch:

