2. Bring out the experience

Jisoo Shon
HyperSense_ Fall 2020
4 min readDec 10, 2020

Tangible interaction Design

🦋 10.22(mid) — 12.8(final PT)

Time goes really fast!

It’s been a long journey since the last mid-term presentation. I think the main idea of interaction might be not changed a lot, but there was a sequence of the experiment (Explore, Synthesize, Iterate, Design) to bring the imagination to a real stage.

Here I want to list up some inspirational projects that helped to form the experience and the large amount of information/technologies that I took into account for implementation.

✨Inspirational projects

💫 Relevant resources

E-trace: memories of dance

Floating Projection

Immersive sound +visual

🌿 Platforms




Runway ML




️⚙️Main Code

1.Drawing with colors

👉 Code here

Blue color pixel capturing

2.Posenet + Background music

👉 Code here

Training Pose A and B

🤟🏼Final concept video

System diagram and storyboard


  • By performing this project, I thought I poked the meaning of HyperSense. And I. was able to try to bring a new kind of sense that hasn’t noticeable in our natural status. So it was like creating a medium and projected outcome at the same time.
  • Next time, I’d like to set a strong design direction and action list earlier and find a balance between the exploration and execution part, so I can spend time wisely.
  • Of course, Dancing is the thing. I love it, though I’m not a good dancer and also because of difficulty detecting colors in dark, (when it becoming bright, the projected light was unable to see and in dark, the color of the fan was not clearly captured by webcam) I think I just swing the fan instead of actively dancing. So that’s one thing I wish to improve next time.
  • Lastly, based on the final feedback it kept me think about who’s the driver of this experience. Because there is always the audience for this but also the performer. In this case, as a performer and audience, I both considered the visual I want to create and the movement I wanted to show. But in the real stage, the subject of interaction might be important.

