Design Reflection 1

Design Thinking Fall 22
2 min readSep 9, 2022

Human-centered design can be put online, with many asterisks.
Although the internet can be an Intersection, as described by The Medici, it is very easy into fall into a deep hole dedicated into one specific niche. Furthermore, the nature of today’s “clickthrough meta” online content means that it is hard to pull many people out of the niches that interest them. One solution to this might be to design content algorithms that more easily flow people between connecting niches, but that might not be in the best interest of advertisers, who want people to stay on the content, so that they can watch through their ads.
Using the internet by itself to explore problems to design from itself, could be the subject of an intersection with other communication fields.

If I were to run a challenge on OpenIDEO, it might be something like how to better solve the problem of content moderation/filtering.
I think it would be easier to launch such a challenge online, as the community that you are presumably talking would be very well versed in this concept, and its scale affects everyone on the internet.
However, while the internet, which is mainly distributed towards higher class, higher income countries, has biases which can be balanced somewhat by its sheer scale,
OpenIDEO may not be, especially as it is a non-mainstream platform.
Verification might have to be a large scale effort that is required, depending on where the users were recruited from, as, absent some morally dubious cyber-stalking, anonymization, or at least the expectation of it, is a large part of the current internet culture.
While such efforts may be easier with accounts of participants and writers in academic journals, it would be considerably harder for fields without such a paper trail of documentation.

