Insights from the “Death is Not the End” Exhibition

Wanyi Zhang
Design Thinking (Fall ’23)
2 min readOct 24, 2023

Recently, I had the chance to visit the fascinating “Death is Not the End” exhibition at the Rubin Museum. Surrounded by an array of captivating artworks and cultural artifacts, I found myself delving into the profound concept of life beyond mortality.

One particular exhibit caught my attention, showcasing ancient burial customs from various cultures. It sparked a personal reflection on the universal human desire to comprehend what comes after life, transcending cultural boundaries and historical contexts.

As I immersed myself in the exhibition, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder about the endless possibilities that may await us beyond the physical realm. It was a powerful reminder that death, rather than marking the end, might be the beginning of an even greater journey.

Leaving the exhibition, I carried with me a newfound appreciation for the intricate tapestry of human beliefs and the enduring legacy of the human spirit. It left me contemplating the idea that perhaps, in some way, death is not the ultimate conclusion, but a continuation of an everlasting essence that transcends time and space.

I want to share a quote from one of my favorite movie “COCO”

— Death is not the end, forgetting is.

