OpenIDEO Case Study

Wenhao Zhou
Design Thinking (Fall ’23)
2 min readSep 15, 2023

The traditional innovation process of IDEO involves a small team working closely with external clients, typically going through three processes: inspiration, ideation, and implementation. IDEO’s team will spend a lot of time understanding customer demands and collecting a large amount of data through hands-on experience, followed by rigorous brainstorming to determine innovative ideas. Continue to work closely with the client to implement this idea. However, OpenIDEO is an open online innovation platform compared to IDEO. This platform usually publishes many cases in the form of challenge competitions, and users from all over the world can express their opinions on these cases. After OpenIDEO collects a large amount of inspiration, experts from OpenIDEO and IDEO will brainstorm, conceptualize it, and then have community users evaluate it, ultimately selecting a winning concept from these concepts and implementing it.

I consider that the key to the success of OpenIDEO is that both traditional and emerging industries can utilize OpenIDEO to obtain innovative methods. This platform has high participation and diversity and has a mature operational model. The changes made by OpenIDEO mainly include gathering inspiration from users around the world, rather than conducting projects as a small team like IDEO. In addition, OpenIDEO has opened multiple stages, each of which receives different external evaluations to enhance these inspirations. The motivation behind these changes comes from the platform founder’s awareness of the importance of openness, with thousands of people participating in a project for discussion better than just a few people working hard. I think these changes have greatly increased the efficiency of problem-solving. The Engine way can be understood as four phases- Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. After determining the customer’s needs, concepts are derived to develop solutions that are suitable for addressing the customer’s needs and implementing them.

The similarity between Service design and Product design lies in their focus on addressing customer needs and providing value to customers. The difference is that product design is only about designing a specific product, while service design combines products, processes, and people to provide customers with a more complete and in-depth experience and demand solution. A successful service example is Amazon, which not only provides a trading platform for both buyers and sellers but also provides users with high-quality services throughout the entire process from browsing products to after-sales service.

