Siyu Lei
Design Thinking (Fall ’23)
2 min readSep 16, 2023


OpenIDEO is an online platform where people from all over the world bring up innovative ideas and solutions using IDEO approaches to address social problems. IDEO is a global innovation and design company which was founded in 1991. And the success of OpenID proves that IDEO’s innovative strategy and ideas can be amplified with the online platform. The reason I want to analyze the IDEO is because innovation approaches are brilliant and applied to most cases. First, the company culture and structure of IDEO is interesting already–there are no formal groups and hierarchy inside the company, everyone just works for their current task on a team basis. With this work environment, both employees’ body and spirit are free from restrictions, so they are more likely to bring up groundbreaking ideas. Employees are fully focused on their innovative solutions rather than following useless rules. In addition, work in IDEO is usually in a small studio, and even though a studio grows too big, it will break into small groups. This is also a unique idea of business operation management because sometimes we tend to think having more people to standby never goes wrong because we can take more voices from them, but less is more. Having small but professional groups of people can target problems quickly and be more goal-oriented. Overall, IDEO is innovating the company itself, which is aligned with what I thought about design thinking. Design thinking is not necessarily related to product design but company management as well. Innovative management of business can ensure efficiency and boost a company’s reputation as well. However, as the article mentioned, not all companies can realize the importance of design thinking in business, so I think promoting the necessity of a refined process to more companies.

