A trip to the biggest market in Morocco

Leonor Azevedo
Design Thinking for Social Innovation
2 min readMar 27, 2022

A few years ago i had the amazing oportunity to visit one of the biggest markets in Morocco. It was such a different trip, with a totally different culture, different food, different art, and I had the pleasure to get to know this unique culture.

I had this trip with my family and we visited different places in Morocco, we rode camels, went to Marrackech and all the different places that we could visit. However, some of the days my family decided to visit fez and spend some nights there which changed completely the way we see Morocco, because instead of having this normal trip we ended up having a Morrocon guide, that worked in the Ryad that we were staying in, that took us to some places inside this very old medina and we had the opportunity to see with our own eyes how people lived and how he lived. And between all the poverty there, we saw beauty in all this different places. One of the places that the guide took us was a very smelly place where they tinted leather and it reeked of ammonia. It was hard to stand there like it was pleasant but it was still an unique view as we can see bellow, and we just walked between those tanks following our guide.

As the day went on we had already walked kilometers through those small streets and came across this beautiful, giant market that was filling the medina with color and vendors, and amazed me how it was filled with life. I can actually say it was a never ending market because of how big it was.

This trip was so rewarding in so many aspects as we could enjoy their food, and experience their day to day life. I wish some day I could go back and have the pleasure to visit some more of the Morocco beauty.

