My first weeks as an “Impact Seeker”

The project entrusted to us for the ‘Design Thinking for Social Innovation’ course caught my attention and interest from the very first moment. Sustainability issues have always been of great interest to me, especially during the writing of my bachelor’s thesis, in which I was able to develop my knowledge on the subject in much greater depth. The possibility of being able to once again take a stand in the fight against climate change, by accepting the challenge of realizing a project that can have a concrete impact, has excited me from the very first lesson.

It is undeniable that the help of my colleagues has been and still is indispensable. To think that we can only rely on ourselves to carry out this project would be absurd. The methodology adopted, characterised by continuous individual research (secondary researches) followed by constant group meetings, allows all members to keep up to date and to always go one step further. The different brainstorming sessions allowed us to have a clearer and more focused idea of the project, so that we could start our primary research activities, focusing more specifically on the theme of urban resilience.

I am really excited and thrilled to start conducting the first interviews alongside my teammates. It is undeniable that the beginning of the journey is characterized by countless difficulties and that we are still in a difficult phase, where it is still necessary to have more clarity on the path to follow in order not only to collect as much information as possible, but to shape a project that can really have an impact on the community.

The continuous dialogue with the group has allowed us to establish the next steps for the incoming week, dividing up the interviews to be carried out and conducting individual researches on Lisbon’s action plan on urban resilience, so as to better understand what the city’s main problems are and then investigate them directly in the field. Once all the necessary information has been collected, the team will meet together, as always, in order to establish the necessary steps for the concrete design of our project.

Stay tuned because this is only the beginning!

