Navigating Design Thinking

In the past 12 weeks, I got to explore and educate myself on design thinking principles. Together with a group of students, I embarked on a practical journey, culminating in a Portuguese-themed language and culture event aimed at involving migrant communities. Through collaborative efforts and hands-on learning, we navigated through empathy-driven design, to ultimately craft an event that fostered natural understanding and connection between participants.

What and how did I learn?

Through the process of organizing the event, I developed a deeper understanding of empathy-driven design. This involves putting yourself in the shoes of your target audience to understand their needs, challenges, and desires truly. For example, during the planning stages, I had multiple discussions with my fellow students, teachers, and members of migrant communities to understand their interests and desires in integrating into the Portuguese language and culture. Empathizing their perspectives, proved crucial to tailor an event that met their needs and preferences. Usually, I was quick to take the initiative in these discussions. However, particularly the collaboration with our external consultant Rafique showed me the value of listening attentively to his input and valuing his cultural perspective, which not only enriched our project but also strengthened our bond as co-creators, fostering a sense of respect and inclusion within our team.

Event advertisement

Another key principle of design thinking is iterative problem-solving, where you continuously test and refine your ideas based on feedback and real-world observations. For instance, as we planned the event, we had initially brainstormed various activities and presentations that might create value for migrant communities in Portugal. Specifically, we designed concepts for multiple potential events, such as a cooking class, a career fair, and a language party. However, through prototyping and getting feedback from different stakeholders we discovered that certain activities were less relevant or feasible considering our timeframe and audience. In response, we iterated on our initial plans, refining the event agenda to a Portuguese-themed language and culture night that combined elements of our initial ideas and adapted to the external circumstances we had for the event. This iterative approach allowed us to adapt and improve the project based on feedback, ultimately leading to a more successful and impactful solution.

Strengths and weaknesses:

Reflecting on my own working style, it’s evident that my leading personality often translates into taking charge of meetings and discussions. While this assertiveness can be beneficial in driving projects forward and ensuring that deadlines are met, I recognize the importance of balance and inclusivity in collaborative environments. while my proactive approach may propel us toward our goals with momentum, it’s essential to remain mindful of the potential for unintended consequences, such as inadvertently overshadowing quieter voices or too quickly dismissing creativity. By cultivating a culture of openness, receptivity to feedback, and willingness to adapt my leadership style as needed, I attempted to create a more inclusive and empowering environment where every team member felt valued and empowered to contribute their best work.

Semester working group

What comes next?

From my initial steps in 2021 learning Portuguese during a student exchange in Brazil to becoming the sole Portuguese speaker at our recent event, it’s been a journey filled with learning and growth. Being able to assist participants through their language-related issues and experiences at the event has been rewarding, and showed me the progress I’ve made.

Looking forward, I’m optimistic about continuing to pursue my passion for learning about the cultures and languages this planet has to offer. I hope to embrace more opportunities for further exploration and collaboration, where language and culture continue to serve as a bridge that brings people together. In summary, my journey from learning Portuguese to hosting a language and cultural event has been both fulfilling and enlightening. Looking ahead, I’m excited about continuing to bring design thinking principles to any future projects and challenges that will come my way.

