Prototyping to learn

Design Thinking for Social Innovation
4 min readApr 2, 2023
Sumo dogs

Last week, we had a fun activity (sumo dogs) led by Francisco Tenente, founder of 3DWays where he shared his prototyping philosophy (we can prototype everything; it’s a mindset; it’s about iterations and learning).


Indeed, you can prototype everything!!! Physical and digital products, environment, services and roles, brands, user experience and business models…

Prototyping is a way to learn, and learn fast: what works or don’t work, but also what we don’t know.

Sumo dogs’ activity: prototyping in practice

Teams jumped in into making with a collaborative spirit:


  • Remember to test early and in context; but we often forget (none of the teams did!)
  • Constraints as generative: Time constraints and materials
  • You need to test multiple ideas rather than only one. But it’s hard as we tend to want to focus only on one.
  • Iteration happened but was minimal: it’s hard to let go of an idea, especially if it “works”
  • Building to think: things you did not think of emerge as you start building
  • Observing others’s successes and mistakes is a great way to learn
  • How to organize? In sub-groups to work in parallel and reconvene.

Why prototype?

  • To learn fast and early: to save time and money, and build confidence in your idea (to convince a client, your boss, someone in your team, etc.).
  • To get users’ feedback: Don’t forget to test your prototypes with users.
  • To avoid emotional attachment (don’t invest too long in an idea before testing it).

To advance your design. Give you a process through milestones.

  • To express your concepts to avoid mis-communicating your intent: Never come to a meeting without a prototype.” Dennis Boyle, IDEO
  • To collaborate and co-create with clients and / or users.

Three mantras of prototyping:
1. Build to think
2. Fail early and often to succeed sooner
3. The 3 R’s: rough, rapid and right.

How to prototype?

My tips for prototyping:

1. Always start by defining what is the question? In other words, state your assumptions. This is the only way for you to learn something from the prototyping.

2. Learn to deal with ambiguity

3. Test and be ready to start again. Iterate, iterate, iterate!

