Stoemelings: renting roof tents to promote the economy of functionality

The belgian company Stoemelings was created by two entrepreneurs in 2020 (Renaud Dillien and Simon Bouchonville) and aims to rent roof tents for all types of cars (city cars, station wagons, SUVs, etc.) as well as micro-adventure equipment (lamps, braziers, barbecues, etc.).

The company is based on the concept of circular economy and more precisely on the concept of functionality economy, which means that it promotes renting rather than buying, which has as a positive consequence the reduction of single uses as well as unnecessary waste. On the other hand, the company aims to be a more environmentally friendly means of transport for holidays than flying. However, the car is still polluting, which is why the company has decided to become an eco-partner with the ASBL Graine de vie in order to compensate for the CO2 emissions caused by its activity. For each reservation made, Stoemelings commits to plant 8 trees in Madagascar.

Moreover, Stoemelings supports the local economy by cooperating with actors in its Belgian territory. In fact, through its partnership with Graine de vie, the money paid to the association by Stoemelings does not only help to protect, reforest and replant forests in Africa, but also pays the nurserymen and workers responsible for planting these trees and thus contributes to improving the conditions of the people living in the reforestation areas

Stoemelings is identified as a Social Innovation because, they try to solve a social or environment problem in an innovative way, the company is represented by inspiring entrepreneurs and finally, because there is a direct link between their production activity and their social mission.

Finally, this company shows us that it is possible to develop a social innovation by responding to crucial social and environmental issues while supporting the circular economy.

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