Alternative thematic itineraries with different SDGs as a common thread


The project aims to identify alternative thematic itineraries to those traditional routes, which have as a common thread several SDGs (sustainable development goals), with the aim not only to redistribute the flow of tourists in the city but also to give visibility to the realities of the territory whose action is in line with the sustainable goals of the UN Agenda 2030.

Ca’ Foscari for SDGs is a student association of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice that is based on the idea that the participation of the university and academic world is essential for the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The Mission of the association is to bring students closer to external issues related to sustainability through initiatives that are in line with the philosophy promoted by the United Nations. Ca’ Foscari for SDGs aims to encourage the development of a greater sense of social responsibility among students in order to promote sustainability, democracy, study and protection of human, civil and political rights.

The environmental impact caused by the mass of tourists has always been a problem that plagues the city of Venice, already marked by its own conformation and position. The idea is to ensure a redistribution of tourist flows in order to make the city of Venice more livable for residents and reduce the environmental impact of the tourist mass, through the creation of an app that manages the flows in real time, based on the route selected by tourists and an algorithm based on the GPS position of the user. The creation of checkpoints distributed along the route is designed in a logic of gamification, so as to accompany the tourist in a deeper knowledge of the territory, with the obtainment also of a final reward that can enhance the city itself (discounts, donations for emergency funds etc.)

The objectives of the project can be summarized as follows:

  • Raising tourists’ awareness on sustainability issues and knowledge of the SDGs through a fun and educational activity.
  • To bring to light the fragility of the city of Venice, the impact that climate change has and will have on the city and the many artisan realities that carry out their activities in a sustainable way.
  • Create a conscious and virtuous tourism that benefits the city and creates synergy between universities, students and local authorities.

I personally found this initiative and the creation of the association itself to be particularly and deeply inspiring. VenITER is the testimony of how the fight against climate change and the awareness of sustainability issues for the achievement of sustainable development, is possible, not only through targeted government policies and the development of sustainable business models for large corporations, but also through the intervention and initiative of the local community.


