Warmth and Melody Filled: A Candlelight Evening with Imagine Dragons and Coldplay

As someone who thrives on diving into new experiences and finding sources of inspiration, my anticipation was high for the Candlelight Concert on March 5th. This event, set in the stunning ambiance of Pestana Cidadela Cascais, promised an evening where the music of Coldplay and Imagine Dragons would be reimagined by the talented Quarteto Lisboa. The flicker of countless candles added an extra layer of magic, creating a setting that was not only visually breathtaking but also incredibly warm and inviting.

The Warmth of Candlelight

As darkness fell and the first notes floated through the air, the warmth of the candlelight came to life, casting a soft, enchanting glow across the room. This illumination created a serene atmosphere that seemed to slow down time, inviting us to close our eyes and immerse ourselves in the pure sound of the music. The candlelight not only beautified the space but also enhanced the emotional connection to the melodies, allowing for a deeper listening experience.

The Music and Beyond

The concert’s lineup was a thoughtfully selected mix of hits like “Clocks” by Coldplay and “Believer” by Imagine Dragons, each piece bringing its unique wave of emotions and memories. The Quarteto Lisboa’s ability to capture the essence of these songs with their string instruments, stripping them back to their melodic and emotional core, was nothing short of mesmerizing. It was a fresh take that allowed space for personal reflection and interpretation, enabling me to craft my own narratives and images, inspired by the familiar yet newly presented tunes.

The Essence of Pure Creativity

This quiet, contemplative environment, amplified by the gentle glow of candlelight, served as a vivid reminder of the importance of pausing and creating space for thoughts to flow freely. In a world that often feels oversaturated with noise and distractions, this concert was a rare opportunity to focus on the essentials of music and the emotions it evokes. The simple nature of the arrangement, free from any lyrics or excessive visual elements, turned the music into a potent instrument for self-reflection. Amidst this calm backdrop, the peaceful and almost meditative ambiance of the concert was heightened by the gentle glow of candlelight and the charming elegance of the venue. It called the audience to take a pause and fully immerse themselves in the moment.

A Comfortable Listening Experience

Unlike many concerts where standing for hours can become uncomfortable, the seating arrangement at this event made it easier to focus entirely on the music without the distraction of physical discomfort. Being able to sit and relax meant that my entire attention could be devoted to the intricacies of each performance, free from the nagging thought of back pain that often comes from standing too long at live shows.

A Night to Remember

This Candlelight Concert for me was not just a musical event; it was a journey into the heart of creativity, where the melodies of Coldplay and Imagine Dragons were transformed into a classical dialogue that spoke volumes. The warm atmosphere, created by the soft candlelight, and the comfortable seating arrangement contributed to an evening that was both enlightening and deeply enjoyable. It was a gentle reminder of the beauty that can be found in simplicity and the profound impact music has when we allow ourselves to truly listen and be present in the moment.

Connection to design thinking

I found a fascinating parallel to this Design Thinking in the structure of the concert and the way the music was presented. Design thinking encourages us to think outside the box, challenge assumptions and find creative solutions. The reinterpretation of Coldplay and Imagine Dragons’ songs by a classical string quartet is a perfect example of how challenging conventions and experimenting with different formats can lead to new, impressive results.
This experience has not only enriched me musically, but also reinforced my views on creativity and problem solving. The Candlelight Concert was a powerful demonstration of the power of simplicity and the importance of leaving room for personal interpretation and thought — a principle that is central to both music and design thinking. It was a reminder that true innovation often lies in a focus on the essentials and freedom of creative expression.

