On Programming Experience Design With Modular Coding

Ryan Peroz
Design Thinking Quotes
1 min readAug 11, 2016

Jack Moffett’s article, How to Avoid UX Gaps in Your Product, on UXmag.com offers sound advice for the programming experience:

While modular design helps reduce design inconsistency (and therefore UX debt), modular code helps streamline implementation and technical maintenance. With modular code, the team doesn’t need to change 100 different instances of a button for a small HTML tweak.

Instead, the change is made once within a single chunk of code, and every button in the application automatically exhibits the change.

Check out Jack Moffett’s suggestions on how to successfully implement modular code in his article on UXmag.com.

— How to Avoid UX Gaps in Your Product| August 8, 2016 | by Jack Moffett

Read this Article on UXMag.com

