Design Thinking made me a better designer!

Keziah Bervell
Design Thinking Spring
2 min readMay 6, 2024

My experience in the Design Thinking course taught by Kristine was wonderful! I appreciated how in depth we explored UX Research, tried different creative design thinking techniques such as using LEGO blocks (as shown in the photo above), sketching on sticky notes, and utilizing the classroom whiteboards. I loved the user journey activity we did in class because it helped me to better understand what a user journey is and how it is mapped out. Before I has some issues trying to conduct a user journey in my past design classes and projects.

I am thrilled that I received more collaboration experience from working on a design project with my group. It taught me how to be patient, work with people from different backgrounds, and to take a step back sometimes. I love being a leader, but I also realized I need to give others an opportunity to lead and get outside their comfort zone.

I enjoyed the book that I read for my book reflection assignment. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All. It helped me to be even more confident as a designer no matter what stage or process I am in. I am able to apply the knowledge that I received from this book in my personal life as well.

Overall, my experience in this class is very beneficial to my professional goals because I want to be a great product designer and overall a stronger creative. I would like to continue to explore being more mindful when it comes to accessibility within the products I create and redesign because it is very important for products and services to be accessible. I want to change users’ lives and make their lives much easier. My goal is to also integrate accessibility and better design products and services into the fashion industry. Fashion is one of the top industries in the world and users interact with fashion daily. I want to explore how I can better users’ online shopping experience and in person shopping experience using user experience, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Thank you again Kristine for the wonderful knowledge you provided me! 😄

