Final Reflection_Xiangning

Xiangning Li
Design Thinking Spring
3 min readMay 7, 2024

This semester, we have covered many topics. I have learned the process of ideation, research, and prototyping in our Design Thinking class. Throughout the course, we were exposed to many design thinking methods and tools. Each tool or method serves a unique purpose and helps me a lot in the design process. From mind maps to journey maps, every technique fosters a deeper understanding of the problem that I want to solve. I have also gained real-world insights from both desk research and field research.

One of the most impactful learning experiences for me was the discussion on prototyping and solutions. In that class, Cathy has shared tips and personal experiences with us, and I came to have a better understanding of prototyping. Her real-world examples not only provided me invaluable guidance, but also gave me more ideas about our own product prototype, which enabled us to have a better final presentation about our final product.

The hands-on practice of sketching our ideas was also meaningful to me. It allowed me to translate abstract concepts into tangible representations, which bridges the gap between imagination and reality. Visualization techniques not only facilitate communication but also aid in turning complex data into actionable behaviors. I have learned that prototyping is not only about creating products but about iterating effectively to validate ideas. From her presentation, I also learned that the process of prototyping and testing not only refines our solutions but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, which is extremely important in every product design. I am excited to apply these prototyping principles I have learned from Cathy’s presentation in the future. I am very confident that I can use the knowledge to help turn ideas into reality.

Desk research plays a crucial role in understanding the challenges faced by international students due to language barriers and their impact on mental health. By interviewing different international students, we have gained valuable insights into their experiences and perspectives, which inform our research and guide our ideation process. Through background questions, such as understanding their first impressions of New York City or how they manage stress caused by language barriers, we gather foundational information, which sets the stage for deeper exploration into the specific behaviors and challenges related to language barriers. With the desk research, we have known exactly what international students are suffering and what they want, which helped us in creating a Discord server to help address their issues. I will apply this knowledge in the future.

In addition, this semester, I started to realize the importance of collaboration. The GPRI exercise highlighted the importance of effective teamwork, communication, and self-reflection in achieving project goals. By doing exercises, we know different team members hold unique perspectives and skills, and we find ways to use these competences in our final project. After completing these activities, we understand how others perceive us and improve our behaviors based on their feedback. It is the collaborative energy that enables us to receive a huge success for the final presentation.

The lessons I have learned in this class will undoubtedly shape my approach to future endeavors. Your emphasis on empathy, iteration, and collaboration has given me a deeper appreciation for the design process. I am eager to explore further aspects of design thinking and apply these principles in diverse contexts in my daily life.

In conclusion, this Design Thinking class equips me with invaluable skills and insights that will help to shape my journey as a designer. From understanding the problem space to crafting innovative solutions, every aspect of the course has contributed to my growth and development as a design thinker.

