John Bennett
Design Thinking Spring
2 min readFeb 3, 2024

How would describe the innovation process on OpenIDEO (in particular in comparison to IDEO’s process with clients)?

In contrast to its parent company, OpenIDEO is a crowd-sourcing innovation platform. In the beginning, the platform was based on Facebook, and the open, social network-style communication has remained part of the platform’s DNA ever since. Although the platform has changed its formula somewhat to add more of an emphasis on “realization” (or implementation) of crowd-sourced solutions, it maintains a grass roots, communitarian culture that is fundamentally different from its parent.

IDEO, on the other hand, is a world famous design consultancy with hundreds of employees. Like OpenIDEO, the company’s solutions are rooted in creative problem solving, but that’s really where the similarities end. IDEO’s engagement model follows a 3-step process of Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation. The company works primarily with big corporate customers, and employs “t-shaped” professionals — those with depth of knowledge in one area, but curiousity and openness across a range of topics.

What are the main factors of success for OpenIDEO (in case A)?

In Case A, the success metrics for OpenIDEO revolve around community health. One one side of the platform, this means growing the number of subscribers (even inactive ones, also known as “lurkers”) who can respond to challenges. On the other side, this means expanding the breadth of companies that post challenges on the platform. At the end of Case A, the company is contemplating adding more follow through on realization of challenges as a way to keep the community engaged and show participants the fruits of their efforts.

What are the main changes that took place on Open IDEO? What are the motivations? What is your personal view on these changes?

2 primary changes are discussed in the case:

1. An ever closer relationship between IDEO and OpenIDEO

2. Adding the realization stage to the OpenIDEO framework.

The motivations for these changes are leveraging the incredible brainstorming power of the community to solve challenges for IDEO’s clients and deepening community involvement by giving top contributors the ability to contribute to bringing their award-winning social change ideas to fruition. As discussed in class, I’m pro both of these changes as they increase the velocity of change in the world and the workplace. More companies should seek to involve extended stakeholders in their business and government for more sustainable, ethical corporate governance.

